1/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
7/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 23rd Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Exodus

Exodus is a 8/8M Nerub-ar Palace raiding guild on Burning Legion - US. We strive to complete every boss of the current Mythic level content before the start of the next raid tier on a two night, six hour a week, raid schedule. We welcome healthy competition in our roster and our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun, while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier.


-Warlock (Any spec)

-Rogue (Any spec)

-Shadow/Discipline Priest

-Mistweaver Monk

-Holy Paladin

Unlisted classes/specs are welcome to apply as well!

Raid Times: We operate on a two day raiding schedule, with one off-night for alt heroic runs:

Monday: 7PM to 10PM CST (8PM to 11PM EST) Wednesday: 7PM to 10PM CST (8PM to 11PM EST) Tuesday (Alt Heroic): 7PM to 10 PM CST (8PM to 11PM EST)

What we expect from you: – Positive attitude – Flexibility between specs (As needed) – Good attendance and communication if you’ll be missing – Ability to maintain your character’s progression throughout the tier

What to expect from us: – Mythic Progression that maintains momentum throughout the tier – Experienced, prepared and competitive leadership – Consumables and repairs – Assistance to improve your character inside and outside of raid – Active Mythic+ groups – A raid team focused on completing raids and having fun - Consistent messaging and polling for involvement in group decisions

Contact: Additional questions can be directed to, Icedp (Icedp#1141) or Superspike (superspike#1332) on and icedp, or superspike89 on Discord.

Last updated 1 week ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Superspike

Officers: Escaflowne, Iced, Zimbardo

About Exodus

Exodus is a 8/8M Nerub-ar Palace raiding guild on Burning Legion - US. We strive to complete every boss of the current Mythic level content before the start of the next raid tier on a two night, six hour a week, raid schedule. We welcome healthy competition in our roster and our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun, while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier.


-Warlock (Any spec)

-Rogue (Any spec)

-Shadow/Discipline Priest

-Mistweaver Monk

-Holy Paladin

Unlisted classes/specs are welcome to apply as well!

Raid Times: We operate on a two day raiding schedule, with one off-night for alt heroic runs:

Monday: 7PM to 10PM CST (8PM to 11PM EST) Wednesday: 7PM to 10PM CST (8PM to 11PM EST) Tuesday (Alt Heroic): 7PM to 10 PM CST (8PM to 11PM EST)

What we expect from you: – Positive attitude – Flexibility between specs (As needed) – Good attendance and communication if you’ll be missing – Ability to maintain your character’s progression throughout the tier

What to expect from us: – Mythic Progression that maintains momentum throughout the tier – Experienced, prepared and competitive leadership – Consumables and repairs – Assistance to improve your character inside and outside of raid – Active Mythic+ groups – A raid team focused on completing raids and having fun - Consistent messaging and polling for involvement in group decisions

Contact: Additional questions can be directed to, Icedp (Icedp#1141) or Superspike (superspike#1332) on and icedp, or superspike89 on Discord.

Last updated 1 week ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Superspike

Officers: Escaflowne, Iced, Zimbardo

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic1/8 M2,2018462
Heroic7/8 H2,1048573
Normal8/8 N2602601
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M1,4275553
Heroic8/8 H2,2838204
Normal8/8 N1821821
RealmID 293
GroupID 994
GuildID 11239

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago