
5/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 7th Raid Week)
4/8 N
Blackrock Depths

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago

About Offensive

<Offensive> is still gathering supplies to help open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and hasn't updated their guild profile yet. Someone should really tell them...

Quick Look

Guild Master: Stormdraìn

Officers: Aeroguarde, Aerynsoon, Airnarnd, Akumasan, Allañõñ, Amberglass, Anacrusis, Anandaria, Arcanenipps, Archeris, Baliner, Ballistìc, Barnèy, Bayasbim, Bearyhorney, Blacklìght, Blockade, Bluberriè, Blubèrrie, Bluegris, Bluuberri, Byduran, Béêfÿ, Bìc, Carjacker, Catweesal, Celiic, Chaosisphere, Chaosoval, Chaossteed, Charredbeard, Chillngrill, Classystayer, Cloudberrì, Crocinator, Crocy, Crocydundee, Crocydundie, Crucifìxion, Cyclône, Deathstalkur, Deathëatër, Desekrated, Diatonic, Dracodundee, Dragonight, Dëadlystrikë, Earthencrocy, Eldraine, Emeraldgris, Enservishal, Esklak, Felderghost, Felnipps, Feraniche, Flashlight, Foocandoo, Frøstitutë, Fuzzynípps, Garathorm, Gingerbeefy, Gravedìgger, Hairywombat, Hakhana, Holynipps, Hoochpooch, Icefiery, Idleacres, Ihavelag, Isheeparound, Ishogg, Jaraiya, Jarebo, Jarvus, Jarvuz, Jarvvus, Jasmicar, Kachaen, Kiyomì, Krume, Kunfucrocy, Kynvo, Lavendergris, Lucarys, Magentagris, Magneaux, Magnuvius, Marstriker, Moistnipps, Mørgãnã, Netherby, Nimbledigits, Notsweet, Offensivedog, Onyxgris, Overchill, Pakkalla, Peterfile, Prasha, Rabuun, Raizeus, Rezanadin, Rosuvastatin, Samui, Sasquamonk, Scumsly, Seagoon, Semendemøn, Shademange, Sinistur, Slagghammerr, Smuttydevil, Stickydigit, Stormshard, Strawberriè, Stryyker, Stupideasy, Sumpcrusher, Sweetarchery, Sweetdoting, Sweetentropy, Sweethands, Sweetheels, Sweetjésus, Sweetnthicc, Sweetrocks, Sweetrole, Sweetundeath, Sweetusk, Sweetwings, Sweetñspicy, Sëxishami, Takenlightly, Tazydevil, Tazywombat, Tazzytiger, Tendrial, Thellyne, Thunderball, Thunderchii, Tizerus, Tombkings, Trekkee, Valinik, Versatyle, Whalecuum, Windpiper, Woodungwong, Wooflungdung, Worldofhurtt, Xandeadra, Yamaotoko, Yezzie, Yezzybel, Zinderat, Zorachi, Zorahl, Zoralth, Zoraz, Zorilys, Zornath, Zutaala, Zyrelini

About Offensive

<Offensive> is still gathering supplies to help open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and hasn't updated their guild profile yet. Someone should really tell them...

Quick Look

Guild Master: Stormdraìn

Officers: Aeroguarde, Aerynsoon, Airnarnd, Akumasan, Allañõñ, Amberglass, Anacrusis, Anandaria, Arcanenipps, Archeris, Baliner, Ballistìc, Barnèy, Bayasbim, Bearyhorney, Blacklìght, Blockade, Bluberriè, Blubèrrie, Bluegris, Bluuberri, Byduran, Béêfÿ, Bìc, Carjacker, Catweesal, Celiic, Chaosisphere, Chaosoval, Chaossteed, Charredbeard, Chillngrill, Classystayer, Cloudberrì, Crocinator, Crocy, Crocydundee, Crocydundie, Crucifìxion, Cyclône, Deathstalkur, Deathëatër, Desekrated, Diatonic, Dracodundee, Dragonight, Dëadlystrikë, Earthencrocy, Eldraine, Emeraldgris, Enservishal, Esklak, Felderghost, Felnipps, Feraniche, Flashlight, Foocandoo, Frøstitutë, Fuzzynípps, Garathorm, Gingerbeefy, Gravedìgger, Hairywombat, Hakhana, Holynipps, Hoochpooch, Icefiery, Idleacres, Ihavelag, Isheeparound, Ishogg, Jaraiya, Jarebo, Jarvus, Jarvuz, Jarvvus, Jasmicar, Kachaen, Kiyomì, Krume, Kunfucrocy, Kynvo, Lavendergris, Lucarys, Magentagris, Magneaux, Magnuvius, Marstriker, Moistnipps, Mørgãnã, Netherby, Nimbledigits, Notsweet, Offensivedog, Onyxgris, Overchill, Pakkalla, Peterfile, Prasha, Rabuun, Raizeus, Rezanadin, Rosuvastatin, Samui, Sasquamonk, Scumsly, Seagoon, Semendemøn, Shademange, Sinistur, Slagghammerr, Smuttydevil, Stickydigit, Stormshard, Strawberriè, Stryyker, Stupideasy, Sumpcrusher, Sweetarchery, Sweetdoting, Sweetentropy, Sweethands, Sweetheels, Sweetjésus, Sweetnthicc, Sweetrocks, Sweetrole, Sweetundeath, Sweetusk, Sweetwings, Sweetñspicy, Sëxishami, Takenlightly, Tazydevil, Tazywombat, Tazzytiger, Tendrial, Thellyne, Thunderball, Thunderchii, Tizerus, Tombkings, Trekkee, Valinik, Versatyle, Whalecuum, Windpiper, Woodungwong, Wooflungdung, Worldofhurtt, Xandeadra, Yamaotoko, Yezzie, Yezzybel, Zinderat, Zorachi, Zorahl, Zoralth, Zoraz, Zorilys, Zornath, Zutaala, Zyrelini

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic5/8 M2,8651,10214
Heroic8/8 H6,3292,55730
Normal8/8 N2,13289213
Blackrock Depths
Normal4/8 N3,0941,62346
RealmID 303
GroupID 1682463
GuildID 1698999

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 days ago