Last scanned 23 hours ago
About Owlcatraz |
Please see our wowprogress page for current recruitment status: -Main raid nights Wednesday/Thursday 8:30-10:30 PM EST, Offnight/alt normal/heroic Monday: 8:30-10:30 PM EST -Logs: About Us Owlcatraz was founded during the first raid tier of Legion by a couple groups of like minded individuals that came together and decided to give this a whirl. All of our officers have been playing since Vanilla or BC and have participated in raiding and guild leadership off and on over that period. Age-wise, most of our membership ranges from late 20's to mid 30's having grown with the game, and generally do not have the time or desire to raid as much as we used to. That said, we like to experience the raid content, and use our time well to achieve that. We cleared every heroic raid since Legion for AoTC , and were able to achieve 4/10 NH, 5/9 ToS, 3/11 ABT, 5/8 Uldir Mythic, 5/9 BoD Mythic, and 6/8 AEP Mythic without expanding our time demands or changing the atmosphere. With the short raid week we of course run lots of keystones and generally run a causal normal and/or heroic run (depending on the current state of progression). We also have several members interested in PVP who are happy to group up for Bgs etc. on off-nights. We have many social and active members who can often be found hanging out in discord, whether it be on voice or chatting in our various text channels. What do we expect of our raiders? Attitude is paramount! We can work with most players on performance, but we strive to keep our atmosphere chill and positive. If you're prone to bouts of unbridled nerdrage, please move along! From a nuts and bolts standpoint we do have some rough baselines we'd like to see from a player desiring a regular raid slot. Since the numbers vary greatly, I'd recommend hitting us up if you're interested and we can take a look and talk about expectations. We tend to be quite flexible on attendance (more so for dps than tanks and heals) as we're all working adults, some with families, some with school work etc. Our only ask is that you're up front with availability and notify us on discord if unable to attend a raid. Last updated 267 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Lexxiara |
About Owlcatraz |
Please see our wowprogress page for current recruitment status: -Main raid nights Wednesday/Thursday 8:30-10:30 PM EST, Offnight/alt normal/heroic Monday: 8:30-10:30 PM EST -Logs: About Us Owlcatraz was founded during the first raid tier of Legion by a couple groups of like minded individuals that came together and decided to give this a whirl. All of our officers have been playing since Vanilla or BC and have participated in raiding and guild leadership off and on over that period. Age-wise, most of our membership ranges from late 20's to mid 30's having grown with the game, and generally do not have the time or desire to raid as much as we used to. That said, we like to experience the raid content, and use our time well to achieve that. We cleared every heroic raid since Legion for AoTC , and were able to achieve 4/10 NH, 5/9 ToS, 3/11 ABT, 5/8 Uldir Mythic, 5/9 BoD Mythic, and 6/8 AEP Mythic without expanding our time demands or changing the atmosphere. With the short raid week we of course run lots of keystones and generally run a causal normal and/or heroic run (depending on the current state of progression). We also have several members interested in PVP who are happy to group up for Bgs etc. on off-nights. We have many social and active members who can often be found hanging out in discord, whether it be on voice or chatting in our various text channels. What do we expect of our raiders? Attitude is paramount! We can work with most players on performance, but we strive to keep our atmosphere chill and positive. If you're prone to bouts of unbridled nerdrage, please move along! From a nuts and bolts standpoint we do have some rough baselines we'd like to see from a player desiring a regular raid slot. Since the numbers vary greatly, I'd recommend hitting us up if you're interested and we can take a look and talk about expectations. We tend to be quite flexible on attendance (more so for dps than tanks and heals) as we're all working adults, some with families, some with school work etc. Our only ask is that you're up front with availability and notify us on discord if unable to attend a raid. Last updated 267 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?