
6/8 N
Nerub-ar Palace
Guild is missing from the Blizzard API as of
Mar 1 2025 02:25 UTC
5 days ago
About Freakshow

Freakshow is an established guild on Drak'thul, currently recruiting raiders while preparing for 10.2 progress. The core team consists of small group of older adults who love to have fun first and foremost. We pride ourselves with being social, focusing on our sense of community. We enjoy doing content together and helping each other out all while having a great time. Our goal is to achieve AOTC and dabble a bit further in 10.2 while raiding on a 2-day schedule.

Raid times (in server time): Tuesday/Thursday 8:30- 11PM EST

Recruitment is currently open for:

  • Mistweaver Monk/Holy Paladin
  • Warlock
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Considering any Ranged DPS!


All applicants will be considered, regardless of spec and class or faction.

If interested, please reach out to our recruiters on Discord: kain_85 gloomyowns#3510

Or on Bnet: Basu#113316 Gloomy#1236

Last updated 60 weeks ago
About Freakshow

Freakshow is an established guild on Drak'thul, currently recruiting raiders while preparing for 10.2 progress. The core team consists of small group of older adults who love to have fun first and foremost. We pride ourselves with being social, focusing on our sense of community. We enjoy doing content together and helping each other out all while having a great time. Our goal is to achieve AOTC and dabble a bit further in 10.2 while raiding on a 2-day schedule.

Raid times (in server time): Tuesday/Thursday 8:30- 11PM EST

Recruitment is currently open for:

  • Mistweaver Monk/Holy Paladin
  • Warlock
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Considering any Ranged DPS!


All applicants will be considered, regardless of spec and class or faction.

If interested, please reach out to our recruiters on Discord: kain_85 gloomyowns#3510

Or on Bnet: Basu#113316 Gloomy#1236

Last updated 60 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Normal6/8 N19,6339,396108
RealmID 321
GroupID 368059
GuildID 41059