Last scanned 2 days ago
About Valor |
Earthen Ring is a quiet server, as those of us that play on it well know. As we previously did not have a large pool of players to draw from due to most being committed to guilds or social groups for nostalgia and servers being locked, we happily welcomed new players and veterans from off server to our guild. This made recruitment a persistent struggle. What set us apart? Why would anyone go to a dead server to do the same thing they could do on higher pop? The answer is who we are. While those same problems may not plague us or anyone else any longer, our personality, inclusion, and sense of community is what keeps people around. Come for the raiding, stay for meeting friends at the IRL guild parties. It took a lot to cultivate this community's cohesion, over the years. Historically, we have never required any of the game's pseudo-mandatory grinding. We believe that forcing those things is just going to drive people away, and keeping up a consistent raid has been a challenge for every guild on this server. In spite of that, we have reliably raided throughout every tier while also encouraging people to take breaks if they choose: our ability to fill a roster is tribute to both our environment as well as our support in helping people grow and gain access to opportunities they might not have had otherwise. As opposed to the progress or status focused decision making you might be used to, our motivation is to our players. We make member focused decisions that contribute to our easy going culture. If you're looking to do progression in a more relaxed environment that raids only two weeknights a week for three hours per night, then check us out. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday, 7-10pm EST. We're always recruiting people with a good attitude that want to push content in a team oriented environment. The requirements I will ask for to get into the main raid will be one of three things: Do M+ with us and do well (at LEAST a 15 or higher), show me relevant logs of you doing well (current or last raid tier), or do well in our open raid. Speaking of which, even if you don't fit with our main raid, we have an additional raid on Thursdays that requires only a M0 or LFR equivalent ilvl with no attendance requirements. Lastly, we have a good relationship with other guilds that allow us to join each others raids. In fact, we've put together a community on Earthen Ring for expressly that purpose. If you're on Earthen Ring or are looking for a new home, please feel free to join us and contact me via battletag at Xenkore#1802 Last updated 28 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Nala Officers: Aerwynia, Bifurious, Boiz, Bonbarrion, Bren, Chippenscale, Coilspring, Elessa, Hiddenflagon, Kiranala, Marabelynn, Mavelin, Merelda, Nalastrasza, Plandemic, Renala, Reneilla, Renessa, Soulmates, Tinder, Wrennala |
About Valor |
Earthen Ring is a quiet server, as those of us that play on it well know. As we previously did not have a large pool of players to draw from due to most being committed to guilds or social groups for nostalgia and servers being locked, we happily welcomed new players and veterans from off server to our guild. This made recruitment a persistent struggle. What set us apart? Why would anyone go to a dead server to do the same thing they could do on higher pop? The answer is who we are. While those same problems may not plague us or anyone else any longer, our personality, inclusion, and sense of community is what keeps people around. Come for the raiding, stay for meeting friends at the IRL guild parties. It took a lot to cultivate this community's cohesion, over the years. Historically, we have never required any of the game's pseudo-mandatory grinding. We believe that forcing those things is just going to drive people away, and keeping up a consistent raid has been a challenge for every guild on this server. In spite of that, we have reliably raided throughout every tier while also encouraging people to take breaks if they choose: our ability to fill a roster is tribute to both our environment as well as our support in helping people grow and gain access to opportunities they might not have had otherwise. As opposed to the progress or status focused decision making you might be used to, our motivation is to our players. We make member focused decisions that contribute to our easy going culture. If you're looking to do progression in a more relaxed environment that raids only two weeknights a week for three hours per night, then check us out. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday, 7-10pm EST. We're always recruiting people with a good attitude that want to push content in a team oriented environment. The requirements I will ask for to get into the main raid will be one of three things: Do M+ with us and do well (at LEAST a 15 or higher), show me relevant logs of you doing well (current or last raid tier), or do well in our open raid. Speaking of which, even if you don't fit with our main raid, we have an additional raid on Thursdays that requires only a M0 or LFR equivalent ilvl with no attendance requirements. Lastly, we have a good relationship with other guilds that allow us to join each others raids. In fact, we've put together a community on Earthen Ring for expressly that purpose. If you're on Earthen Ring or are looking for a new home, please feel free to join us and contact me via battletag at Xenkore#1802 Last updated 28 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Nala Officers: Aerwynia, Bifurious, Boiz, Bonbarrion, Bren, Chippenscale, Coilspring, Elessa, Hiddenflagon, Kiranala, Marabelynn, Mavelin, Merelda, Nalastrasza, Plandemic, Renala, Reneilla, Renessa, Soulmates, Tinder, Wrennala |