2/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago

About quacks

Are you tired of the same old boring guild? Annoyed by the raid lead constantly yelling and taking themselves too seriously? Do you want to start looking forward to raid night again?

Well you are in luck! We're <quacks>, a newly formed guild on Emerald Dream -- and WE WANT YOU to come hang out with us. Whether you've taken a long hiatus or been running the same grind for a while, <quacks> is here to offer you a change of pace.

What you'll find in <quacks>:

  • A non-toxic environment, where learning is encouraged, mistakes are addressed and supported.
  • A safe inclusive space for all gender minorities and marginalized groups.
  • A respectful community, and a platform to build strong and supportive friendships.
  • A casual and laid-back group of people, who take the game seriously, but aren't sweaty.

What you'll bring to the table:

  • A team player mindset, complete with respect, consistency, and commitment.
  • Openmindedness and a willingness to take helpful and polite feedback.
  • A desire to have fun, even when the going gets tough.
  • Previous comparable raiding experience (AOTC, possibly early mythic raiding)
  • Knowledge of your class/spec, and initiative to continue to learn and grow.
  • Standard raiding add-ons and niche consumables.

Raid Times: Tue/Wed 7p-10p CST

If <quacks> sounds like a home for you, please feel free to reach out to any of us on Discord, we look forward to chatting with you!

  • OJ - ojari
  • Furb - .furb.
  • Nyx - nyxtarina
  • Rab - eclipzen

Last updated 15 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ojeez

Officers: Etheryia, Furbedin, Rabh

About quacks

Are you tired of the same old boring guild? Annoyed by the raid lead constantly yelling and taking themselves too seriously? Do you want to start looking forward to raid night again?

Well you are in luck! We're <quacks>, a newly formed guild on Emerald Dream -- and WE WANT YOU to come hang out with us. Whether you've taken a long hiatus or been running the same grind for a while, <quacks> is here to offer you a change of pace.

What you'll find in <quacks>:

  • A non-toxic environment, where learning is encouraged, mistakes are addressed and supported.
  • A safe inclusive space for all gender minorities and marginalized groups.
  • A respectful community, and a platform to build strong and supportive friendships.
  • A casual and laid-back group of people, who take the game seriously, but aren't sweaty.

What you'll bring to the table:

  • A team player mindset, complete with respect, consistency, and commitment.
  • Openmindedness and a willingness to take helpful and polite feedback.
  • A desire to have fun, even when the going gets tough.
  • Previous comparable raiding experience (AOTC, possibly early mythic raiding)
  • Knowledge of your class/spec, and initiative to continue to learn and grow.
  • Standard raiding add-ons and niche consumables.

Raid Times: Tue/Wed 7p-10p CST

If <quacks> sounds like a home for you, please feel free to reach out to any of us on Discord, we look forward to chatting with you!

  • OJ - ojari
  • Furb - .furb.
  • Nyx - nyxtarina
  • Rab - eclipzen

Last updated 15 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Ojeez

Officers: Etheryia, Furbedin, Rabh

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic2/8 H5,4402,16023
Normal8/8 N2,6191,15912
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic4/8 M4,8351,88520
Heroic8/8 H4,9301,91218
Normal8/8 N1,9156779
Blackrock Depths
Heroic3/8 H3,1201,29420
RealmID 334
GroupID 1999250
GuildID 1997474

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago