Last scanned 1 day ago
About Mythos |
Mythos is a guild with a variety of different people with different interests. We have a regular guild raid where we clear Normal and Heroic content on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6pm-9pm west coast server time. Sunday night at 6pm, we hold Guild Night where we do activities others need, such as Mythic+ clears, weekly events, old raids for transmogs, member-hosted RP events, or occasionally PvP. No one is required to participate in raiding to be in the guild, but we do expect mutual respect, a friendly nature, and open-mindedness. Last updated 93 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Ceta Officers: Adyra, Belladonña, Castillia, Demeress, Doomdark, Edrgnestor, Fissts, Ghaltt, Hazzorath, Hyce, Jank, Jeleph, Jiyo, Jorr, Kenda, Loeria, Lorangriel, Nosima, Palamedes, Pandeva, Ritavu, Rokuun, Runningelk, Skandevia, Solaerl, Thelyssra, Theomynias, Tota, Tyrannus, Valdra, Vishygosa, Zarista, Zarkra, Zayjin, Zelebess, Zuruk |
About Mythos |
Mythos is a guild with a variety of different people with different interests. We have a regular guild raid where we clear Normal and Heroic content on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6pm-9pm west coast server time. Sunday night at 6pm, we hold Guild Night where we do activities others need, such as Mythic+ clears, weekly events, old raids for transmogs, member-hosted RP events, or occasionally PvP. No one is required to participate in raiding to be in the guild, but we do expect mutual respect, a friendly nature, and open-mindedness. Last updated 93 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Ceta Officers: Adyra, Belladonña, Castillia, Demeress, Doomdark, Edrgnestor, Fissts, Ghaltt, Hazzorath, Hyce, Jank, Jeleph, Jiyo, Jorr, Kenda, Loeria, Lorangriel, Nosima, Palamedes, Pandeva, Ritavu, Rokuun, Runningelk, Skandevia, Solaerl, Thelyssra, Theomynias, Tota, Tyrannus, Valdra, Vishygosa, Zarista, Zarkra, Zayjin, Zelebess, Zuruk |