8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 10th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Hideout

ACTIVELY RECRUITING! We are starting to build for future tiers and keen to speak with exceptional folks who would like to be part of our core! With the right attitude, we are keen to groom aspiring raiders who have an interest to compete at the highest levels.

We are also on the lookout for a Healing Officer who will be personally mentored and coached. If understanding raid dynamics, healing pressure points and on-the-fly optimisations are something that is interesting to you, reach out and connect!

Hideout (est. 2018) is on Frostmourne Alliance and a GMT+8 Guild in Shadowlands. In the last 6 years, we have achieved Cutting Edge on every tier and multiple Hall of Fame placements. (Peaking at top #198 world)

Pivoting our vision as we head into The War Within (TWW), we are positioning ourselves to be a highly efficient guild, maintaining a 3 night raid schedule while pushing to be highly competitive.

We have folks primarily from Singapore, South East Asia and Australia, nurturing a strong and diverse environment inside/outside of raids. Additionally, we bring a fun, positive atmosphere with a seasoned leadership bench and would love to add more into our core!

Raids: 11pm - 230am Server Time (AEST) // 9pm - 1230am GMT+8

Days: Wed/Sun/Mon (Adding 1 night (Thurs) during the start of each tier)


  • We're looking for dedicated and committed players who are keen to thrive at the highest ends of raiding in an otherwise small GMT+8 talent pool
  • Near 100% Attendance is required during progression
  • At least 1 prior CE achievement

Any exceptional player is welcome to speak to us, no matter the class. Message the recruitment officer for more information or just to chat;



Looking forward to hearing from you!

Last updated 15 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Xappz

About Hideout

ACTIVELY RECRUITING! We are starting to build for future tiers and keen to speak with exceptional folks who would like to be part of our core! With the right attitude, we are keen to groom aspiring raiders who have an interest to compete at the highest levels.

We are also on the lookout for a Healing Officer who will be personally mentored and coached. If understanding raid dynamics, healing pressure points and on-the-fly optimisations are something that is interesting to you, reach out and connect!

Hideout (est. 2018) is on Frostmourne Alliance and a GMT+8 Guild in Shadowlands. In the last 6 years, we have achieved Cutting Edge on every tier and multiple Hall of Fame placements. (Peaking at top #198 world)

Pivoting our vision as we head into The War Within (TWW), we are positioning ourselves to be a highly efficient guild, maintaining a 3 night raid schedule while pushing to be highly competitive.

We have folks primarily from Singapore, South East Asia and Australia, nurturing a strong and diverse environment inside/outside of raids. Additionally, we bring a fun, positive atmosphere with a seasoned leadership bench and would love to add more into our core!

Raids: 11pm - 230am Server Time (AEST) // 9pm - 1230am GMT+8

Days: Wed/Sun/Mon (Adding 1 night (Thurs) during the start of each tier)


  • We're looking for dedicated and committed players who are keen to thrive at the highest ends of raiding in an otherwise small GMT+8 talent pool
  • Near 100% Attendance is required during progression
  • At least 1 prior CE achievement

Any exceptional player is welcome to speak to us, no matter the class. Message the recruitment officer for more information or just to chat;



Looking forward to hearing from you!

Last updated 15 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Xappz

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M2548711
Heroic8/8 H22911518
Normal8/8 N2,6501,337108
RealmID 345
GroupID 2778
GuildID 51451

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago