
7/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 5th Raid Week)
4/8 N
Blackrock Depths

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Mythical

(Current as of October 2024)

History & Culture

  • Founded over 15 years ago in OG WotLK
  • No fuss, Aussie based guild with a focus on high end Mythic+
  • Strong WoW/IRL Balance - Flexible around work/family commitments
  • Strong base of players who are passed the days of 'hardcore' Mythic raiding, but have a history of performance & a competitive streak.
  • We raid 2x nights per week at the start of each tier for AotC, then drop for 1 night re-clears for so long as people are keen or need gear for M+ etc.


  • AotC early every raid tier n' chill - We do not Mythic raid.
  • 2x Night per week raids: Wednesdays & Sunday 8:00-10:00 server time
  • Once AotC complete, we drop raid to one night per week & mix in the meta achieve and other group activities Sunday.


  • High M+ focus every tier, and where we spend most of our time and effort.
  • Multiple key groups going nightly
  • Check our io profiles for most recent data

What we're looking for in YOU

  • People who are proactive in researching their class/meta builds & strategies
  • Being active on discord and taking a part in discussions is a big plus, but not essential
  • A good 'cultural' fit (Mature, Understand there is a time & a place to meme, ability to check your ego and take feedback, contribute to others / guild in a positive way, be prepared to help others just as you would expect to be helped)

Discord@ Ro#7053 for further information or find us in the Guild Finder tool in game to apply or discuss.

Last updated 20 weeks ago
About Mythical

(Current as of October 2024)

History & Culture

  • Founded over 15 years ago in OG WotLK
  • No fuss, Aussie based guild with a focus on high end Mythic+
  • Strong WoW/IRL Balance - Flexible around work/family commitments
  • Strong base of players who are passed the days of 'hardcore' Mythic raiding, but have a history of performance & a competitive streak.
  • We raid 2x nights per week at the start of each tier for AotC, then drop for 1 night re-clears for so long as people are keen or need gear for M+ etc.


  • AotC early every raid tier n' chill - We do not Mythic raid.
  • 2x Night per week raids: Wednesdays & Sunday 8:00-10:00 server time
  • Once AotC complete, we drop raid to one night per week & mix in the meta achieve and other group activities Sunday.


  • High M+ focus every tier, and where we spend most of our time and effort.
  • Multiple key groups going nightly
  • Check our io profiles for most recent data

What we're looking for in YOU

  • People who are proactive in researching their class/meta builds & strategies
  • Being active on discord and taking a part in discussions is a big plus, but not essential
  • A good 'cultural' fit (Mature, Understand there is a time & a place to meme, ability to check your ego and take feedback, contribute to others / guild in a positive way, be prepared to help others just as you would expect to be helped)

Discord@ Ro#7053 for further information or find us in the Guild Finder tool in game to apply or discuss.

Last updated 20 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Normal7/8 N3,7302,092101
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H4,0571,640125
Normal8/8 N64860145
Blackrock Depths
Normal4/8 N3,0801,61047
RealmID 345
GroupID 303782
GuildID 61345

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago