Last scanned 4 days ago
About Naive |
<Naive> is a new made guild built around a strong core of experienced CE and AOTC raiders looking to enjoy dragonflight and beyond in a humble and friendly environment. While we have our sights set on achieveing efficient Cutting Edge in the future, we are looking to focus on M+ and aotc in the first tier on a tight, fixed and focused schedule. Prog Raid times: Wednesday + Monday 7:30 - 10:30 PM ST (AEDT) We aim to be a highly inclusive guild and encourage all members to get along. The philosophy of this guild is that we are essentially not just a guild, but all friends and we will work actively to avoid clique culture and want to have a 'for the boys' mentality. Guild application form: Disc: Xana#2267 Last updated 105 weeks ago |
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About Naive |
<Naive> is a new made guild built around a strong core of experienced CE and AOTC raiders looking to enjoy dragonflight and beyond in a humble and friendly environment. While we have our sights set on achieveing efficient Cutting Edge in the future, we are looking to focus on M+ and aotc in the first tier on a tight, fixed and focused schedule. Prog Raid times: Wednesday + Monday 7:30 - 10:30 PM ST (AEDT) We aim to be a highly inclusive guild and encourage all members to get along. The philosophy of this guild is that we are essentially not just a guild, but all friends and we will work actively to avoid clique culture and want to have a 'for the boys' mentality. Guild application form: Disc: Xana#2267 Last updated 105 weeks ago |
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Guild Master: |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?