Last scanned 1 day ago
About Ryuujin |
At Ryuujin we have a nice laid back atmosphere. Based mostly in Perth, we're a bunch of RL friends who all strive to better ourselves, but more importantly have fun! We accept people of all skill levels, so long as you're there to have fun! Starting with Dragonflight Season 1, We aim for AOTC in every season. Many members do regular M+ which we're happy for newcomers to join in to. Add and message Kangamoony@3214 on discord if you're interested! Last updated 102 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Kryptonwind Officers: Kangajustice |
About Ryuujin |
At Ryuujin we have a nice laid back atmosphere. Based mostly in Perth, we're a bunch of RL friends who all strive to better ourselves, but more importantly have fun! We accept people of all skill levels, so long as you're there to have fun! Starting with Dragonflight Season 1, We aim for AOTC in every season. Many members do regular M+ which we're happy for newcomers to join in to. Add and message Kangamoony@3214 on discord if you're interested! Last updated 102 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?