About nrk |
<nrk> We are a part-time semi-hardcore Oceanic raiding guild originating from PUBG and other games. Recruitment: Heals and Big DPS **We are always looking for exceptional players of any unlisted role or class.** Prospective trials please take note: Mandatory add-ons: DBM, WeakAuras2, and Exorsus Raid Tools (ERT). Raid nights: 2-night raid times: Wednesday: 8:30pm - 11:30pm Server time Thursday: 8:30pm - 11:30pm Server time Flexible Tuesday (optional): We often run an alt run of heroic content Friday, achievement runs, Mythic+ 15s. What can we offer you: -Non Toxic judgement, we are newly returned to WoW -Strong leadership (previous Cutting Edge in Mythic Raids, Top tier PUBG, CS and Battlefield clans) -Equal opportunities for raid spot & loot If you have any queries or wish to apply please drop in to our discord: discord.gg/vpEX6Y Recruitment officer: Alternatively feel free to contact one of our officers in-game: GM: fury#1119 Last updated 216 weeks ago |
About nrk |
<nrk> We are a part-time semi-hardcore Oceanic raiding guild originating from PUBG and other games. Recruitment: Heals and Big DPS **We are always looking for exceptional players of any unlisted role or class.** Prospective trials please take note: Mandatory add-ons: DBM, WeakAuras2, and Exorsus Raid Tools (ERT). Raid nights: 2-night raid times: Wednesday: 8:30pm - 11:30pm Server time Thursday: 8:30pm - 11:30pm Server time Flexible Tuesday (optional): We often run an alt run of heroic content Friday, achievement runs, Mythic+ 15s. What can we offer you: -Non Toxic judgement, we are newly returned to WoW -Strong leadership (previous Cutting Edge in Mythic Raids, Top tier PUBG, CS and Battlefield clans) -Equal opportunities for raid spot & loot If you have any queries or wish to apply please drop in to our discord: discord.gg/vpEX6Y Recruitment officer: Alternatively feel free to contact one of our officers in-game: GM: fury#1119 Last updated 216 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?