Last scanned 4 days ago
About Infinitus |
Welcome! We are Infinitus, a 1-night AotC focused Raiding guild on Hyjal US. Formed at the end of BfA, we began with the idea of efficient and consistent raiding on a very limited schedule. We've actively achieved this goal throughout SL, DF, and TWW and are excited to continue! We have several key groups and folks that spend time on other games. Looking for great people that want to be in a mature, no stress environment. Raid Times: Prog Raid: Thursdays 8 - 10:30 PST (11-1:30 EST, 10-12:30 CST, 9-11:30 MT) Recruitment: Great players looking for efficient clears and joining a great community. Contact: Guild Master - Sargo • Discord: Sargo#9853 • BNet: Sargø#1514 Last updated 3 weeks ago |
About Infinitus |
Welcome! We are Infinitus, a 1-night AotC focused Raiding guild on Hyjal US. Formed at the end of BfA, we began with the idea of efficient and consistent raiding on a very limited schedule. We've actively achieved this goal throughout SL, DF, and TWW and are excited to continue! We have several key groups and folks that spend time on other games. Looking for great people that want to be in a mature, no stress environment. Raid Times: Prog Raid: Thursdays 8 - 10:30 PST (11-1:30 EST, 10-12:30 CST, 9-11:30 MT) Recruitment: Great players looking for efficient clears and joining a great community. Contact: Guild Master - Sargo • Discord: Sargo#9853 • BNet: Sargø#1514 Last updated 3 weeks ago |