Last scanned 1 week ago
About Remnant |
Remnant is recruiting serious player to help build up our raid team for DF to push AOTC and into mythic. Cross faction is available. Raid Times: M T S 6:00pm to 8:00pm server time ALT Raids: TBD Looking for players who are serious about pushing mythic in a fun environment! Must have good attendance! Must be willing to work as a team to down bosses! Currently looking for all roles to build a solid raid team
Discord Contact: ShugaSugar Last updated 87 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Calî Officers: Alyese, Arkoniel, Aubree, Boldstrategy, Buffmaterial, Deafy, Deafydh, Deafydruid, Deafyhunt, Deafypriest, Deafyvoker, Deafywar, Dfy, Domesticdead, Duckylips, Emirah, Getnshifty, Goldilocked, Holeypants, Hydrangeas, Justcraft, Justvisiting, Kalmedrine, Magicacre, Mickeyfats, Mickeysmol, Naturewalk, Noahrevived, Pewpewcrunch, Ponytales, Shibaun, Shugarush, Shugasaurous, Somaut, Tatankafats, Théknight |
About Remnant |
Remnant is recruiting serious player to help build up our raid team for DF to push AOTC and into mythic. Cross faction is available. Raid Times: M T S 6:00pm to 8:00pm server time ALT Raids: TBD Looking for players who are serious about pushing mythic in a fun environment! Must have good attendance! Must be willing to work as a team to down bosses! Currently looking for all roles to build a solid raid team
Discord Contact: ShugaSugar Last updated 87 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Calî Officers: Alyese, Arkoniel, Aubree, Boldstrategy, Buffmaterial, Deafy, Deafydh, Deafydruid, Deafyhunt, Deafypriest, Deafyvoker, Deafywar, Dfy, Domesticdead, Duckylips, Emirah, Getnshifty, Goldilocked, Holeypants, Hydrangeas, Justcraft, Justvisiting, Kalmedrine, Magicacre, Mickeyfats, Mickeysmol, Naturewalk, Noahrevived, Pewpewcrunch, Ponytales, Shibaun, Shugarush, Shugasaurous, Somaut, Tatankafats, Théknight |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?