Last scanned 2 days ago
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Grayfoxx Officers: Brobeans, Busterz, Busterzz, Defach, Felirra, Gizmozz, Greenegiant, Oldbiddy, Otogi, Otogison, Pillowpant, Pillowpantzz, Sandroz, Seeulater, Sleepyjoel, Stormseye, Stormseyez, Stormsog, Zingerfritz, Zingers |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Grayfoxx Officers: Brobeans, Busterz, Busterzz, Defach, Felirra, Gizmozz, Greenegiant, Oldbiddy, Otogi, Otogison, Pillowpant, Pillowpantzz, Sandroz, Seeulater, Sleepyjoel, Stormseye, Stormseyez, Stormsog, Zingerfritz, Zingers |
Raid Progression
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RealmID 368
GroupID 882339
GuildID 916474