Last scanned 3 days ago
About Aether |
Aether has a long-established history since 2011 and an exceptional core group that continues to grow each tier. While this guild is home to high-level players who enjoy all types of content, from Loremasters to Multi-season Gladiators, our primary focus has been making the transition from AOTC to Cutting Edge as we progress through Sepulcher. Our raiding roster has improved dramatically over the previous tier and we will be pushing for CE in 9.3. We are, however, always on the lookout for quality players who believe they can earn a spot on the team. We are especially interested Ranged DPS, a Tank/DPS flex, and an exceptional Healer at this time, though all quality applicants are strongly encouraged to apply. Raid times: Tuesday and Thursday, 9 PM -12 AM EST (8-11 PM server). What we expect from our raiders:
What you can expect from us:
What we look for in an applicant: While good parses are important for the initial screening of potential raiders, we understand that there is more to being a great player than parses alone. The best raiders are those who are able to perform well while also flawlessly dealing with mechanics appropriately. We look deeper than the color of your parse. In addition to that, we are interested in people who are actively working to improve their play. Some of our best raiders started out relatively new to raiding but put in the time and effort to improve rapidly and continue to grow as a player in each tier. How to apply: Application form here: Selected applicants will get a discord friend request from one of the individuals listed below, please watch for it. For more information, feel free reach out to Kyreli#2946, Searing#7733, Arias#6654, or Saviour (Effectz)#4746 on Discord. We'd love to hear from you! Last updated 144 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Kynki |
About Aether |
Aether has a long-established history since 2011 and an exceptional core group that continues to grow each tier. While this guild is home to high-level players who enjoy all types of content, from Loremasters to Multi-season Gladiators, our primary focus has been making the transition from AOTC to Cutting Edge as we progress through Sepulcher. Our raiding roster has improved dramatically over the previous tier and we will be pushing for CE in 9.3. We are, however, always on the lookout for quality players who believe they can earn a spot on the team. We are especially interested Ranged DPS, a Tank/DPS flex, and an exceptional Healer at this time, though all quality applicants are strongly encouraged to apply. Raid times: Tuesday and Thursday, 9 PM -12 AM EST (8-11 PM server). What we expect from our raiders:
What you can expect from us:
What we look for in an applicant: While good parses are important for the initial screening of potential raiders, we understand that there is more to being a great player than parses alone. The best raiders are those who are able to perform well while also flawlessly dealing with mechanics appropriately. We look deeper than the color of your parse. In addition to that, we are interested in people who are actively working to improve their play. Some of our best raiders started out relatively new to raiding but put in the time and effort to improve rapidly and continue to grow as a player in each tier. How to apply: Application form here: Selected applicants will get a discord friend request from one of the individuals listed below, please watch for it. For more information, feel free reach out to Kyreli#2946, Searing#7733, Arias#6654, or Saviour (Effectz)#4746 on Discord. We'd love to hear from you! Last updated 144 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?