
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Arcade

Welcome to the Arcade. We are aspiring to be a competitive, high-end raiding environment in the World of Warcraft. As per the namesake, we envision the guild to prosper with neon and eclectic personalities coming together to defeat any dragons that may be.

What we are looking for:

We are currently looking for a solid HPal or Disc priest to round out our healer core, as well as a few dps (warlock, mage) to be solid picks for the next tier. Raid spots are competitive and earned, community comes along.


T, W, Th: 9:00-12:00AM EST


covu#0001 (Discord) - GM

Solfyre#2038 (Discord) - Officer

Aiev#2893 (Discord) - Officer

Last updated 169 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Pssy

Officers: Ditbrezzlok, Gazzerbeam, Nakimachi, Thrallsshot

About Arcade

Welcome to the Arcade. We are aspiring to be a competitive, high-end raiding environment in the World of Warcraft. As per the namesake, we envision the guild to prosper with neon and eclectic personalities coming together to defeat any dragons that may be.

What we are looking for:

We are currently looking for a solid HPal or Disc priest to round out our healer core, as well as a few dps (warlock, mage) to be solid picks for the next tier. Raid spots are competitive and earned, community comes along.


T, W, Th: 9:00-12:00AM EST


covu#0001 (Discord) - GM

Solfyre#2038 (Discord) - Officer

Aiev#2893 (Discord) - Officer

Last updated 169 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Pssy

Officers: Ditbrezzlok, Gazzerbeam, Nakimachi, Thrallsshot

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 369
GroupID 1681574
GuildID 1698137

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago