
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Bankai

++**!!++Always Recruiting++!!**++

++About <Bankai>++

Core raid positions are performance based. We take in to account DPS/HPS, mechanics, reliability, and most importantly being respectful of others. Being respectful of others means you are fully prepared for the night. We want the effort you are putting in to feel like it is closely matched by everyone. We are not a hardcore guild nor do we try to be but we do take it seriously.


  1. Tuesday & Wednesday 8-11pm CST |~Mythic
  2. Thursday 8-10pm CST
  3. Off-Night: Saturday 8-11pm CST

++Requirements and Expectations++

  1. Maintain Attendance of 90%+
  2. A personal responsibility keep up to date with your class.
  3. Raid awareness and the ability to accept constructive criticism.
  4. Able to keep a positive mindset even after a long night of wiping.
  5. Be respectful to others.
  6. We expect you to be a member of our guild, not just someone who shows up for raids 6 hours a week and disappears till next week. We don't expect you to spend all of your time on WoW. That's not what we are about. However, we would prefer you make an effort to get to know your fellow guildies. The closer we are with each other, the better of a team we will be.
  7. Most importantly: ++Always strive to improve.++

++How To Apply++

  1. Fill out an application here ---
  2. Then join discord (Link on top of application) we will message you promptly.
  3. Trial periods last about 3-4 weeks. The effort you put in makes this shorter. You will be in for heroic/Saturday. May be called in at any time for progression as needed. After your trial is over you will either be left as a trial for improvement or promoted to our core raid team.

Last updated 284 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Azaní, Inazá

About Bankai

++**!!++Always Recruiting++!!**++

++About <Bankai>++

Core raid positions are performance based. We take in to account DPS/HPS, mechanics, reliability, and most importantly being respectful of others. Being respectful of others means you are fully prepared for the night. We want the effort you are putting in to feel like it is closely matched by everyone. We are not a hardcore guild nor do we try to be but we do take it seriously.


  1. Tuesday & Wednesday 8-11pm CST |~Mythic
  2. Thursday 8-10pm CST
  3. Off-Night: Saturday 8-11pm CST

++Requirements and Expectations++

  1. Maintain Attendance of 90%+
  2. A personal responsibility keep up to date with your class.
  3. Raid awareness and the ability to accept constructive criticism.
  4. Able to keep a positive mindset even after a long night of wiping.
  5. Be respectful to others.
  6. We expect you to be a member of our guild, not just someone who shows up for raids 6 hours a week and disappears till next week. We don't expect you to spend all of your time on WoW. That's not what we are about. However, we would prefer you make an effort to get to know your fellow guildies. The closer we are with each other, the better of a team we will be.
  7. Most importantly: ++Always strive to improve.++

++How To Apply++

  1. Fill out an application here ---
  2. Then join discord (Link on top of application) we will message you promptly.
  3. Trial periods last about 3-4 weeks. The effort you put in makes this shorter. You will be in for heroic/Saturday. May be called in at any time for progression as needed. After your trial is over you will either be left as a trial for improvement or promoted to our core raid team.

Last updated 284 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Officers: Azaní, Inazá

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 369
GroupID 880880
GuildID 915029

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago