Last scanned 1 day ago
About Hollowed |
<Hollowed> on Illidan - Looking for adult players who want to push for CE on a 2 day schedule. Raid Times: Main Raid - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 7pm-10pm CST (8-11pm EST) with some Thursday's during progression. Optional Raid (Heroic, Sales, etc.) on off-nights. NOTABLE FINISHES: *Ansurek - US 161
Will always consider any player that meets the criteria above regardless of class and spec! WHY YOU WILL LOVE US:
We value solid play, maturity, and a fast-paced raid atmosphere. We don't begrudge each other and take mistakes in stride, but insist that players improve with each attempt. We are a guild of raiders. Before you apply, make sure the following describe you: You think you will have near 100% attendance. You acquire loot because you want to raid, not the other way around. You would rather show up for progression than farm because perfecting new content is more exciting than farming digital pixels. You think theorycrafting and participating in class discords is fun because you are always looking for an edge. If you are looking for a fresh start, are a weathered old GOAT coming back into the game, or from a guild that have just lost their GM or Raid leader and need a new home, please consider us, you won't regret it. Again, even if your class/spec is not listed, but if you have exceptional raid awareness, a great attitude, can push out some major deeps, and can write a solid app, then you would be a great fit for our team! If you have any further questions please reach out to Cohren (Btag - Cohren#1361)(Discord - Cohren) or submit an application at Last updated 12 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Zaelix Officers: Cohvoker, Thickpotato, Volgorovsky, Wormholes |
About Hollowed |
<Hollowed> on Illidan - Looking for adult players who want to push for CE on a 2 day schedule. Raid Times: Main Raid - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 7pm-10pm CST (8-11pm EST) with some Thursday's during progression. Optional Raid (Heroic, Sales, etc.) on off-nights. NOTABLE FINISHES: *Ansurek - US 161
Will always consider any player that meets the criteria above regardless of class and spec! WHY YOU WILL LOVE US:
We value solid play, maturity, and a fast-paced raid atmosphere. We don't begrudge each other and take mistakes in stride, but insist that players improve with each attempt. We are a guild of raiders. Before you apply, make sure the following describe you: You think you will have near 100% attendance. You acquire loot because you want to raid, not the other way around. You would rather show up for progression than farm because perfecting new content is more exciting than farming digital pixels. You think theorycrafting and participating in class discords is fun because you are always looking for an edge. If you are looking for a fresh start, are a weathered old GOAT coming back into the game, or from a guild that have just lost their GM or Raid leader and need a new home, please consider us, you won't regret it. Again, even if your class/spec is not listed, but if you have exceptional raid awareness, a great attitude, can push out some major deeps, and can write a solid app, then you would be a great fit for our team! If you have any further questions please reach out to Cohren (Btag - Cohren#1361)(Discord - Cohren) or submit an application at Last updated 12 weeks ago |