Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About NTW

Guild: NTW

Server: US-Illidan

Faction: Horde

Raid times: Friday - Saturday 9:30PM - 12:30AM CST

Who are we?

NTW is composed of close friends who have been raiding with each other since the beginning of time. We take raiding as seriously as we can as a two-day raiding guild (our goal isn't world rankings) and mainly focus on killing bosses and getting CE in a timely fashion. If your goals align with ours and mainly want to have a good time raiding send us an application!

What are we looking for?

Potential mythic raiders looking to compete for a core spot

Mythic Roster Recruitment:

Though we may not be actively recruiting for our current raid roster, or your class. We are willing to take in any exceptional talent to compete for a raid spot! The current priority is below!

Ranged DPS: Mage, Boomkin

Melee DPS: Demon Hunter, Shaman, Monk

Healer: ANY (Pref. Resto Druid, Evoker)

Tank: ANY

Guild Application Form:

Contact Info: Officers:

Battle Net: SodaMonkey#11255 Discord: Soda Monkey#0864

Battle Net: Padaron#1277 Discord: McFlippy#3754

Battle Net: gmF#11161 Discord: gage#9351

We look forward to meeting you.

Last updated 109 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kousei

Officers: Grubhubplus, Ktang, Xtegra

About NTW

Guild: NTW

Server: US-Illidan

Faction: Horde

Raid times: Friday - Saturday 9:30PM - 12:30AM CST

Who are we?

NTW is composed of close friends who have been raiding with each other since the beginning of time. We take raiding as seriously as we can as a two-day raiding guild (our goal isn't world rankings) and mainly focus on killing bosses and getting CE in a timely fashion. If your goals align with ours and mainly want to have a good time raiding send us an application!

What are we looking for?

Potential mythic raiders looking to compete for a core spot

Mythic Roster Recruitment:

Though we may not be actively recruiting for our current raid roster, or your class. We are willing to take in any exceptional talent to compete for a raid spot! The current priority is below!

Ranged DPS: Mage, Boomkin

Melee DPS: Demon Hunter, Shaman, Monk

Healer: ANY (Pref. Resto Druid, Evoker)

Tank: ANY

Guild Application Form:

Contact Info: Officers:

Battle Net: SodaMonkey#11255 Discord: Soda Monkey#0864

Battle Net: Padaron#1277 Discord: McFlippy#3754

Battle Net: gmF#11161 Discord: gage#9351

We look forward to meeting you.

Last updated 109 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kousei

Officers: Grubhubplus, Ktang, Xtegra

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 369
GroupID 132074
GuildID 415158

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago