Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 6 days ago

About Solid


We raid two nights per week, Tuesday and Thursday, from 7:30 PM-10-:30 PM CST. So if these days and times fit your schedule, we may be perfect for you!

About Us

We are a guild of gamers chasing mythic progression that have been raiding since 8.3. Our culture is geared towards keeping a friendly atmosphere at all times, even while progressing on mythic bosses. Our members include some military folks and an array of gamers from all walks of life. While we can't claim to be certified non-toxic™, that’s how we prefer it.

At our core, we deeply value the time of everyone that joins us - whether you’re a key runner, casual player, or a Mythic raider. We work hard to make this a place where you can hang out and enjoy the game.

However, none of this is meant to imply that recruits will not be ridiculed to some extent. Many here perceive themselves to be supremely witty, so inside jokes, genius puns, barbs, quips, and sarcasm are all prevalent in copious amounts. If you should happen to spectacularly fail at some point (as everyone inevitably does), be prepared for an onslaught of comedy at your expense. We will tease and snipe at you relentlessly for several weeks, and then it will gently fade to a fond memory. So carry your sins proudly as if they were badges of honor, for you will not survive in this guild without thick skin and an endless supply of confidence.

What are our short-term and long-term goals?

We aren’t interested in growth for the sake of growth. We strive to make real, tangible progress each tier. Gearing our team to get as many mythic bosses down as we can. We like to run mythic+ in the off times to supplement the gearing progress as well.

Who are we looking for?

We want dedicated and consistent individuals who want to improve themselves and contribute to our goals meaningfully. We make our goals and environment known because we want players who can get behind us on our road forward. For example, suppose you want to have fun, kill some challenging bosses, make meaningful friendships with new people, and can show up the majority of raid nights on time and ready to go. In that case, you are exactly who we are looking for.

Everyone that is "raider" status in our group understands that our goal is to keep progressing. This sometimes means (when we are over the 20man limit) not everyone will be in every fight. Still, we may alternate our roster depending on which class and characters are needed for each boss and your overall performance. We always do our best to get our alternates a kill on any reclears that occur.

Our Trial is two weeks long. With the following expectations:

• A drive to continually improve personal play • Come to raid prepared (Consumables, gear enchanted, fights studied) • An effort to integrate with the guild • 100% attendance during your Trial.

What you can expect from us:

• Mythic progression that adheres to our raid schedule, taking part in mythic+, alt content, achievement runs, and a great raid environment

We will ALWAYS consider exceptional applicants, regardless of your role.

You can expect the guild to provide all Mythic raiders with feasts, free repairs, and vantus runes.

Mandatory raids are Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 PM-10:30 PM CST.

If you are interested in applying, please reach out on discord to Likebook1234 or bnet or Like#11624.

Last updated 51 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Nexplanon

Officers: Smoldermort, Thüggarnaut

About Solid


We raid two nights per week, Tuesday and Thursday, from 7:30 PM-10-:30 PM CST. So if these days and times fit your schedule, we may be perfect for you!

About Us

We are a guild of gamers chasing mythic progression that have been raiding since 8.3. Our culture is geared towards keeping a friendly atmosphere at all times, even while progressing on mythic bosses. Our members include some military folks and an array of gamers from all walks of life. While we can't claim to be certified non-toxic™, that’s how we prefer it.

At our core, we deeply value the time of everyone that joins us - whether you’re a key runner, casual player, or a Mythic raider. We work hard to make this a place where you can hang out and enjoy the game.

However, none of this is meant to imply that recruits will not be ridiculed to some extent. Many here perceive themselves to be supremely witty, so inside jokes, genius puns, barbs, quips, and sarcasm are all prevalent in copious amounts. If you should happen to spectacularly fail at some point (as everyone inevitably does), be prepared for an onslaught of comedy at your expense. We will tease and snipe at you relentlessly for several weeks, and then it will gently fade to a fond memory. So carry your sins proudly as if they were badges of honor, for you will not survive in this guild without thick skin and an endless supply of confidence.

What are our short-term and long-term goals?

We aren’t interested in growth for the sake of growth. We strive to make real, tangible progress each tier. Gearing our team to get as many mythic bosses down as we can. We like to run mythic+ in the off times to supplement the gearing progress as well.

Who are we looking for?

We want dedicated and consistent individuals who want to improve themselves and contribute to our goals meaningfully. We make our goals and environment known because we want players who can get behind us on our road forward. For example, suppose you want to have fun, kill some challenging bosses, make meaningful friendships with new people, and can show up the majority of raid nights on time and ready to go. In that case, you are exactly who we are looking for.

Everyone that is "raider" status in our group understands that our goal is to keep progressing. This sometimes means (when we are over the 20man limit) not everyone will be in every fight. Still, we may alternate our roster depending on which class and characters are needed for each boss and your overall performance. We always do our best to get our alternates a kill on any reclears that occur.

Our Trial is two weeks long. With the following expectations:

• A drive to continually improve personal play • Come to raid prepared (Consumables, gear enchanted, fights studied) • An effort to integrate with the guild • 100% attendance during your Trial.

What you can expect from us:

• Mythic progression that adheres to our raid schedule, taking part in mythic+, alt content, achievement runs, and a great raid environment

We will ALWAYS consider exceptional applicants, regardless of your role.

You can expect the guild to provide all Mythic raiders with feasts, free repairs, and vantus runes.

Mandatory raids are Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 PM-10:30 PM CST.

If you are interested in applying, please reach out on discord to Likebook1234 or bnet or Like#11624.

Last updated 51 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Nexplanon

Officers: Smoldermort, Thüggarnaut

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 369
GroupID 1698872
GuildID 1714882

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 6 days ago