Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago

About Sugma

is a new guild created by a group of friends who are looking to come together and create a high level raiding guild. We have pushed high level content together both raid and m+ but all of us have never been in the same guild. This is our attempt to bring everyone together and find more like minded people to do end game content with.

We are at the base, a group of friends so above all else we want a no drama environment. We expect everyone to play their class to the best of their ability and be able to take constructive criticism. We will always try to help each other get better and this usually means having discussions about cd management, rotations and class comps. We would like everyone to be open minded as all the decisions we make are for the benefit of the guild as a whole.

Here we value both mythic + and raid. In the beginning we hope everyone to make their decisions to be raid based in the beginning but we do expect this to change as the tier progresses. A lot of our raiders do high m+ so we welcome anyone who also does the same.

Our raid times are Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6-9PST with an optional heroic alt raid day on Tuesday same time. The optional day will be for heroic runs, sales and hopefully mythic alt runs later in the tier.

We are currently looking for the following classes:

Death Knights


Balance Druids

Death Knights

Disc Priest

Healer (Any)

Despite what is listed above, we are always looking for exceptional players in any role.

If you're interested in joining or learning more about the guild, feel free to send a message to Jotin2#6326 on discord.

Last updated 179 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Sugma

is a new guild created by a group of friends who are looking to come together and create a high level raiding guild. We have pushed high level content together both raid and m+ but all of us have never been in the same guild. This is our attempt to bring everyone together and find more like minded people to do end game content with.

We are at the base, a group of friends so above all else we want a no drama environment. We expect everyone to play their class to the best of their ability and be able to take constructive criticism. We will always try to help each other get better and this usually means having discussions about cd management, rotations and class comps. We would like everyone to be open minded as all the decisions we make are for the benefit of the guild as a whole.

Here we value both mythic + and raid. In the beginning we hope everyone to make their decisions to be raid based in the beginning but we do expect this to change as the tier progresses. A lot of our raiders do high m+ so we welcome anyone who also does the same.

Our raid times are Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6-9PST with an optional heroic alt raid day on Tuesday same time. The optional day will be for heroic runs, sales and hopefully mythic alt runs later in the tier.

We are currently looking for the following classes:

Death Knights


Balance Druids

Death Knights

Disc Priest

Healer (Any)

Despite what is listed above, we are always looking for exceptional players in any role.

If you're interested in joining or learning more about the guild, feel free to send a message to Jotin2#6326 on discord.

Last updated 179 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 369
GroupID 1607593
GuildID 1628403

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 2 days ago