2/8 M
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 2nd Raid Week)
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 18th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About drip
Who is <drip>?

drip™️ is a based community of CE gamers pushing the latest content as fast as we can on a mid-core 2-Day/6-Hour schedule. We do that through great play, great leadership, and great drip™️. We value a great sense of humor, exceptional mechanical performance, deep class/spec knowledge, and - of course - transmogs. Our guild is a fun group of players who love the game and each other.

We raid Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am CST (7pm-10pm PST, 10pm-1am EST). To make the best of our shorter schedule, each raider needs to come prepared and ready to raid. Those 6 hours a week we have a blast and work AS and FOR the team to kill bosses!

From HoF to US 150-200, leadership has raided at all levels. We have a good group of officers who devote their time to making sure each raid night is successful and the best use of everyone's time!

  • Nerub-ar Palace 8/8M • US 241 • NA/OCE 289 (2 Night)
  • Amirdrassil 9/9M • US 242 • NA/OCE 297 (2 Night)
  • Abberus 9/9M • US 215 • NA/OCE 277 (3 Night)
  • VotI 8/8M • US 289 • NA/OCE 354 (3 Night)

Discord Contacts

Officer Discords: enzyte (GM), krillass, pew12

Recruitment Discord Contact: enzyte


To apply to <drip>, please fill out this form: Your application will be sent directly to our officers for communal reviewal. If we're interested, our recruitment officer, spudgies, will reach out to you to schedule an interview!

Last updated 6 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Enzyte

Officers: Aarragorn, Petclassass

About drip
Who is <drip>?

drip™️ is a based community of CE gamers pushing the latest content as fast as we can on a mid-core 2-Day/6-Hour schedule. We do that through great play, great leadership, and great drip™️. We value a great sense of humor, exceptional mechanical performance, deep class/spec knowledge, and - of course - transmogs. Our guild is a fun group of players who love the game and each other.

We raid Tues/Thurs 9pm-12am CST (7pm-10pm PST, 10pm-1am EST). To make the best of our shorter schedule, each raider needs to come prepared and ready to raid. Those 6 hours a week we have a blast and work AS and FOR the team to kill bosses!

From HoF to US 150-200, leadership has raided at all levels. We have a good group of officers who devote their time to making sure each raid night is successful and the best use of everyone's time!

  • Nerub-ar Palace 8/8M • US 241 • NA/OCE 289 (2 Night)
  • Amirdrassil 9/9M • US 242 • NA/OCE 297 (2 Night)
  • Abberus 9/9M • US 215 • NA/OCE 277 (3 Night)
  • VotI 8/8M • US 289 • NA/OCE 354 (3 Night)

Discord Contacts

Officer Discords: enzyte (GM), krillass, pew12

Recruitment Discord Contact: enzyte


To apply to <drip>, please fill out this form: Your application will be sent directly to our officers for communal reviewal. If we're interested, our recruitment officer, spudgies, will reach out to you to schedule an interview!

Last updated 6 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Enzyte

Officers: Aarragorn, Petclassass

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Mythic2/8 M1,48155181
Heroic8/8 H1,06040171
Normal8/8 N52052063
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M79528947
Heroic8/8 H44116631
Normal8/8 N36936954
RealmID 369
GroupID 865930
GuildID 900187

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago