Last scanned 3 days ago
About Colossal |
Alliance | Mythic Progression 3 nights/week | 9 hours | Tues/Wed/Sun 20:00-23:00 MST (Server) Discord | Group Loot | No Drama
About us:
Colossal was built around the idea of having a good time raiding the hardest current content in the most efficient way.
Colossal maintains a 24-26 man core raider roster in order to be flexible with our raiders schedule and be able to maximize our composition for progression kills. We do not recruit for the bench. You might be asked to sit out a progression fight if required, but we will be sure to rotate to ensure the whole team is participating. Prerequisites : Know your class inside-out to be the most efficient in all fights Research each fights prior to pull Come prepared and ready to pull at the set time 18+ Working microphone Near 100% attendance
Most importantly, we are looking for players that are easy going and can joke around when the time is right, but will get right back to being serious when it’s time to get to business. Real ID: Darmora#1994 Last updated 336 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Darmora Officers: Lolreligion, Vispera |
About Colossal |
Alliance | Mythic Progression 3 nights/week | 9 hours | Tues/Wed/Sun 20:00-23:00 MST (Server) Discord | Group Loot | No Drama
About us:
Colossal was built around the idea of having a good time raiding the hardest current content in the most efficient way.
Colossal maintains a 24-26 man core raider roster in order to be flexible with our raiders schedule and be able to maximize our composition for progression kills. We do not recruit for the bench. You might be asked to sit out a progression fight if required, but we will be sure to rotate to ensure the whole team is participating. Prerequisites : Know your class inside-out to be the most efficient in all fights Research each fights prior to pull Come prepared and ready to pull at the set time 18+ Working microphone Near 100% attendance
Most importantly, we are looking for players that are easy going and can joke around when the time is right, but will get right back to being serious when it’s time to get to business. Real ID: Darmora#1994 Last updated 336 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?