Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago

About Illicit

Illicit on US-Kel'Thuzad, is currently recruiting and will always consider any appropriate applicant.

The ideal applicant will have mythic or similar end-game content completed with the mindset that accompanies it. We're also looking for raiders that have a good attitude and ability to handle mechanics, which holds more value than a higher ilvl. In addition we have always maintained a mature player base and skilled raider attitude. We are a PvE progression oriented guild. Consistency, even-temperament, drama free and dedication are paramount.

We have two raid teams, each that raid two days a week and our raid times are as follows:

Tues/Wed: 9:30PM EST to 12:30AM EST - optional Thursday Heroic runs (same raid time) - these heroic runs are the same timeslot we use for sales runs (Gold only)

(9/10M Castle Nathria)

(9/10M Sanctum of Domination)

(10/11M Sepulcher of the First Ones)

(8/8M Vault of the Incarnates)

(9/9M Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible)

(8/9M Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope)

You will be expected to make the majority of raids (90%). Should you find yourself unable to attend a raid, you will be expected to notify someone so that we can find a replacement for the night. We understand that life happens and do our best to accommodate.

As a progression guild we expect our members to come prepared with raiding mats and research for the fight; however, the guild will provide flasks, and feasts for all raiders and trials.

If you're interested in applying contact:

Blindearth#1514 (bnet), Blindearth#7495 (discord) - (GM - weekdays)

Applying consists of showing us some logs, and chatting in discord and/or over BNET.

Last updated 34 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

About Illicit

Illicit on US-Kel'Thuzad, is currently recruiting and will always consider any appropriate applicant.

The ideal applicant will have mythic or similar end-game content completed with the mindset that accompanies it. We're also looking for raiders that have a good attitude and ability to handle mechanics, which holds more value than a higher ilvl. In addition we have always maintained a mature player base and skilled raider attitude. We are a PvE progression oriented guild. Consistency, even-temperament, drama free and dedication are paramount.

We have two raid teams, each that raid two days a week and our raid times are as follows:

Tues/Wed: 9:30PM EST to 12:30AM EST - optional Thursday Heroic runs (same raid time) - these heroic runs are the same timeslot we use for sales runs (Gold only)

(9/10M Castle Nathria)

(9/10M Sanctum of Domination)

(10/11M Sepulcher of the First Ones)

(8/8M Vault of the Incarnates)

(9/9M Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible)

(8/9M Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope)

You will be expected to make the majority of raids (90%). Should you find yourself unable to attend a raid, you will be expected to notify someone so that we can find a replacement for the night. We understand that life happens and do our best to accommodate.

As a progression guild we expect our members to come prepared with raiding mats and research for the fight; however, the guild will provide flasks, and feasts for all raiders and trials.

If you're interested in applying contact:

Blindearth#1514 (bnet), Blindearth#7495 (discord) - (GM - weekdays)

Applying consists of showing us some logs, and chatting in discord and/or over BNET.

Last updated 34 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master:

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 375
GroupID 2794
GuildID 43419

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago