Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Kicked



** The foundation of this guild is built upon friendly people just like you who want help and be part of a fun and social gaming environment. We are discord and mythic+ active aiming towards filling our raid team with capable skilled players without the hardcore attitudes.

Currently aiming for Tuesday/Thursday Raid time 7-9 server (mountain)

Raider Requirements

  1. Big Wigs / Little Wigs (same for mythic+)
  2. Mythic+ for weekly *At least
  3. Discord to follow current direction of group
  4. Understanding if your asked to sit for a raid in progression its nothing personal but the group needs to progress

Reasons you would be asked to sit

  • Low dps/hps can be fixed, but you gotta be willing to fine tune it with a little researching
  • Repeated mechanics failure not following group directions, off day or maybe a little more mechanic clarification through guides
  • Consistent low parsing not due to mechanics may mean you might need to tweek stats, rotation or use more of your toons utilities
  1. Be ready for raid time, gemmed, enchanted, re-rolls and flasked with a positive attitude 🙂
  2. BOEs are whatever you choose to do with them

Now the fine details! Basic rules:

  1. Treat people in the same manner you wish to be treated
  2. People have their own opinions respect theirs and they shall do the same
  3. Begging for items, coin or carries will not be tolerated.
  4. Toxic people will not be tolerated

Enjoy your self and have fun!

Last updated 127 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Shayymacyy

Officers: Masokhist

About Kicked



** The foundation of this guild is built upon friendly people just like you who want help and be part of a fun and social gaming environment. We are discord and mythic+ active aiming towards filling our raid team with capable skilled players without the hardcore attitudes.

Currently aiming for Tuesday/Thursday Raid time 7-9 server (mountain)

Raider Requirements

  1. Big Wigs / Little Wigs (same for mythic+)
  2. Mythic+ for weekly *At least
  3. Discord to follow current direction of group
  4. Understanding if your asked to sit for a raid in progression its nothing personal but the group needs to progress

Reasons you would be asked to sit

  • Low dps/hps can be fixed, but you gotta be willing to fine tune it with a little researching
  • Repeated mechanics failure not following group directions, off day or maybe a little more mechanic clarification through guides
  • Consistent low parsing not due to mechanics may mean you might need to tweek stats, rotation or use more of your toons utilities
  1. Be ready for raid time, gemmed, enchanted, re-rolls and flasked with a positive attitude 🙂
  2. BOEs are whatever you choose to do with them

Now the fine details! Basic rules:

  1. Treat people in the same manner you wish to be treated
  2. People have their own opinions respect theirs and they shall do the same
  3. Begging for items, coin or carries will not be tolerated.
  4. Toxic people will not be tolerated

Enjoy your self and have fun!

Last updated 127 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Shayymacyy

Officers: Masokhist

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 375
GroupID 1780257
GuildID 1791166

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago