Last scanned 3 days ago
About Disconnected |
Our History Disconnected was created during The Burning Crusade expansion so that some mates from South Australia could all play together doing some questing and instances but as we progressed we found that raiding was quite fun and challenging and so we decided to raid as often as we could (which wasn't all that often). In Wrath of the Lich King we stepped it up a gear and recruited a few more players and started to run raids a lot more often but still not quite getting all bosses down before Cataclysm hit. For the Cataclysm we managed to clear all content on normal difficulty. In the Mists of Pandaria we cleared all content on normal and at the end with the introduction of Flexible mode raiding we cleared Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic. During Warlord of Draenor we had a stable roster and progressed through the raids at a steady pace and cleared all raids on Heroic difficulty. Now that the Legion has descended upon us we're progressing through the current raids and our numbers have never been stronger, the Legion are a fierce opponent and we must all come together and put forth our best efforts to not only stop the invasion of our world but to then take the fight to them. Last updated 334 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Officers: Kimmykin |
About Disconnected |
Our History Disconnected was created during The Burning Crusade expansion so that some mates from South Australia could all play together doing some questing and instances but as we progressed we found that raiding was quite fun and challenging and so we decided to raid as often as we could (which wasn't all that often). In Wrath of the Lich King we stepped it up a gear and recruited a few more players and started to run raids a lot more often but still not quite getting all bosses down before Cataclysm hit. For the Cataclysm we managed to clear all content on normal difficulty. In the Mists of Pandaria we cleared all content on normal and at the end with the introduction of Flexible mode raiding we cleared Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic. During Warlord of Draenor we had a stable roster and progressed through the raids at a steady pace and cleared all raids on Heroic difficulty. Now that the Legion has descended upon us we're progressing through the current raids and our numbers have never been stronger, the Legion are a fierce opponent and we must all come together and put forth our best efforts to not only stop the invasion of our world but to then take the fight to them. Last updated 334 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?