Last scanned 2 days ago
About Alacrity |
Alacrity is an AOTC Horde guild on Kil'jaeden Casual raiding and dungeon guild formed at the end of Wrath. Many of our members have been friends on and off over the course of WoW's long history. We do, however, greatly welcome new people and are always on the lookout for new friends to make the guild even stronger. Looking to expand our raid team with more exceptional members. Also looking for more members to create more Mythic+ teams. Contact Jinsaga#1726 on Discord if you are interested! Last updated 116 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Radsong Officers: Barey, Bestpotato, Chroek, Deathfean, Deathfeanz, Deathignite, Deathmourne, Deathshawk, Demonfean, Demonimuerte, Dewjitsu, Emolicious, Featherra, Honeselice, Huntardinc, Iseedeadloas, Kiune, Klurbstep, Kozar, Lexinia, Nekrotits, Nogdar, Raddormu, Radgon, Radstorm, Sargg, Traydrà, Turu, Turucedain, Turucedan, Turuscaladan, Voldune, Voodrued |
About Alacrity |
Alacrity is an AOTC Horde guild on Kil'jaeden Casual raiding and dungeon guild formed at the end of Wrath. Many of our members have been friends on and off over the course of WoW's long history. We do, however, greatly welcome new people and are always on the lookout for new friends to make the guild even stronger. Looking to expand our raid team with more exceptional members. Also looking for more members to create more Mythic+ teams. Contact Jinsaga#1726 on Discord if you are interested! Last updated 116 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Radsong Officers: Barey, Bestpotato, Chroek, Deathfean, Deathfeanz, Deathignite, Deathmourne, Deathshawk, Demonfean, Demonimuerte, Dewjitsu, Emolicious, Featherra, Honeselice, Huntardinc, Iseedeadloas, Kiune, Klurbstep, Kozar, Lexinia, Nekrotits, Nogdar, Raddormu, Radgon, Radstorm, Sargg, Traydrà, Turu, Turucedain, Turucedan, Turuscaladan, Voldune, Voodrued |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
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