
3/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Concordis

Concordis means Unity! Above all else we want this to be a place you are excited to belong to, and enjoy logging into everyday. We have gotten AOTC on all tiers with Mythic kills on some, and seeking more ranged dps for our core team! All hard hitting DPS will be considered as well, so message me!

A little about us, we are a KJ original guild, created day 1 of the game. We have had the same leadership since 2007, and strive to have a great guild community, that allows people of all types to play and enjoy the game. Whether you PVP, Raid, M+, are an Altaholic, or however you enjoy the game, we want you to feel at home in Concordis.

Our goal every tier is at the least AOTC and to also get as many Mythic kills as we can, but doing so while still respecting each others time, and enjoyment of the game. We are currently 8/8N and 3/8H

We have an active Discord, and many of our members play other games together as well.

Btag is Rynin#1191

We often go out of our way to help another member. You will be treated as family, so treat others as family.

The goal is to have fun, Kill Horde, and get loots!


Raid Days:

Tuesday (Progression) 1730-2030 PST

Wednesday (Progression) 1730-2030 PST

Thursday (Fun Raids, Alt Gearing, Glory of etc..) 1730-2030 PST

Last updated 3 days ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Axyorix

Officers: Aetik, Aniimal, Darkdespair, Deathtails, Nassianis, Valicraze

About Concordis

Concordis means Unity! Above all else we want this to be a place you are excited to belong to, and enjoy logging into everyday. We have gotten AOTC on all tiers with Mythic kills on some, and seeking more ranged dps for our core team! All hard hitting DPS will be considered as well, so message me!

A little about us, we are a KJ original guild, created day 1 of the game. We have had the same leadership since 2007, and strive to have a great guild community, that allows people of all types to play and enjoy the game. Whether you PVP, Raid, M+, are an Altaholic, or however you enjoy the game, we want you to feel at home in Concordis.

Our goal every tier is at the least AOTC and to also get as many Mythic kills as we can, but doing so while still respecting each others time, and enjoyment of the game. We are currently 8/8N and 3/8H

We have an active Discord, and many of our members play other games together as well.

Btag is Rynin#1191

We often go out of our way to help another member. You will be treated as family, so treat others as family.

The goal is to have fun, Kill Horde, and get loots!


Raid Days:

Tuesday (Progression) 1730-2030 PST

Wednesday (Progression) 1730-2030 PST

Thursday (Fun Raids, Alt Gearing, Glory of etc..) 1730-2030 PST

Last updated 3 days ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Axyorix

Officers: Aetik, Aniimal, Darkdespair, Deathtails, Nassianis, Valicraze

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic3/8 H8,4513,87925
Normal8/8 N7077002
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H8,1423,49825
Normal8/8 N5415384
RealmID 379
GroupID 358635
GuildID 79177

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago