
4/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 14th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 21 hours ago

About Disambiguation

++Disambiguation [Horde – Kil’Jaeden]++

Disambiguation is a Cutting Edge raiding guild focused on clearing the most difficult raiding content in the game at a comfortable pace. We consistently strive towards excellence but enjoy raiding within a relaxed and non-toxic environment.

Raid Times

We raid three days a week, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday for three hours per night from 9pm-12am PST. This includes a mid-raid break around 10:30.


As a member of the Mythic Raid Team, it is imperative that you keep your character up to date so we can progress at a reasonable pace during the tier. Here is what we ask of all our mythic raiders.

  1. Knowing your class! Keep up to date on the latest and greatest talents, and gem/enchant combinations to perform as well as possible on each fight.
  2. Research on each fight for your specific role/class is required
  3. We provide Phials, Feasts, & Cauldrons every raid night
  4. You will provide additional consumables as needed
  5. You are required to have WeakAuras and Exorsus Raid Tools as we use them in every encounter, as well as RCLootCouncil to facilitate loot distribution.

Current Needs:

We are currently looking for exceptional players of any role, with no immediate needs at this time, please feel welcome to apply!

Questions / How to Apply?:

Apply via this form:

Discord Contacts: GM - Alexithymia (Discord: Pocketlizard)

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Alexithymìa

Officers: Glx

About Disambiguation

++Disambiguation [Horde – Kil’Jaeden]++

Disambiguation is a Cutting Edge raiding guild focused on clearing the most difficult raiding content in the game at a comfortable pace. We consistently strive towards excellence but enjoy raiding within a relaxed and non-toxic environment.

Raid Times

We raid three days a week, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday for three hours per night from 9pm-12am PST. This includes a mid-raid break around 10:30.


As a member of the Mythic Raid Team, it is imperative that you keep your character up to date so we can progress at a reasonable pace during the tier. Here is what we ask of all our mythic raiders.

  1. Knowing your class! Keep up to date on the latest and greatest talents, and gem/enchant combinations to perform as well as possible on each fight.
  2. Research on each fight for your specific role/class is required
  3. We provide Phials, Feasts, & Cauldrons every raid night
  4. You will provide additional consumables as needed
  5. You are required to have WeakAuras and Exorsus Raid Tools as we use them in every encounter, as well as RCLootCouncil to facilitate loot distribution.

Current Needs:

We are currently looking for exceptional players of any role, with no immediate needs at this time, please feel welcome to apply!

Questions / How to Apply?:

Apply via this form:

Discord Contacts: GM - Alexithymia (Discord: Pocketlizard)

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Alexithymìa

Officers: Glx

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic4/8 H269981
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M4531503
Heroic8/8 H1,6236085
Normal8/8 N5385353
RealmID 379
GroupID 2318
GuildID 45756

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 21 hours ago