Last scanned 8 hours ago
We are currently recruiting any Skilled Dps and 1 Healer right now to fill out our roster; even if your class is not listed above, speak with an officer at one of the b-tags below. Raid Schedule: Weds/Thurs/Mon 6-9:30 PST *Monday is considered an extra day added on progression. Contact info: Cougar#11572 Previous Tiers Vault of Incarnates - US 147 Sanctum of Domination - US 159 Castle Nathria - US 171 N'zoth US 199 Nighthold - US 201 Kill video Trial of Valor - US 255 Emerald Nightmare - US 271
About: We are a progression-focused, Semi-hardcore guild on Tichondrius. We take raiding seriously, but aren't afraid to have fun on the way. While we are more recently formed than other guilds, we do not back down, and that does not stop us from competing. If you're interested, please feel free to contact an officer. Thank you for your time. Last updated 26 weeks ago |
We are currently recruiting any Skilled Dps and 1 Healer right now to fill out our roster; even if your class is not listed above, speak with an officer at one of the b-tags below. Raid Schedule: Weds/Thurs/Mon 6-9:30 PST *Monday is considered an extra day added on progression. Contact info: Cougar#11572 Previous Tiers Vault of Incarnates - US 147 Sanctum of Domination - US 159 Castle Nathria - US 171 N'zoth US 199 Nighthold - US 201 Kill video Trial of Valor - US 255 Emerald Nightmare - US 271
About: We are a progression-focused, Semi-hardcore guild on Tichondrius. We take raiding seriously, but aren't afraid to have fun on the way. While we are more recently formed than other guilds, we do not back down, and that does not stop us from competing. If you're interested, please feel free to contact an officer. Thank you for your time. Last updated 26 weeks ago |