About Impervious |
< Impervious > is a newly formed guild on Mal'Ganis that has its focus on PvE Content. We are currently recruiting for a Mythic Raid Core. We are currently looking for DPS (Affliction Locks, Warrior, Unholy DK, and Fire Mages are preferred) Exceptional DPS will be considered as well. What we expect from you? *Raid Attendance must be over 90%. We know that sometimes life can be unexpected and not everything is planned. In the event of an absence, if possible, inform an officer ahead of time with a day's notice. *Playing your class at its best. We expect you to have knowledge of your class's basic information. This includes knowing how to Sim and always being prepared for raid with Enchants/Gems/Consumables. Many of our raiders are willing to help out with any mistakes you may make and we expect the same if we make them as well. *Know the current Raid Tier content. You will be expected to know what abilities each boss does as well as having a general idea of how to execute most strategies. *Discord and a mic. Communication is vital to being an effective raiding guild and we expect our raiders to meet this requirement. While you are not required to speak in Discord, we do need everyone to be in the Raid Channel to listen to strategies and call outs as needed. *Addons required are DBM/Bigwigs, Weakauras for if we need to have any set up for fights. AstralKeys! Is another useful addon for helping the guild organize pushing Mythic+ dungeons as a team. * Logs. We review logs for recruiting and for after raid performance to see where improvements can be made. You don't need logs to apply but they do help give us an idea of what to expect. If you have any questions or just need more info pst Ryujinhunt or Arkaidys in game Bnet: Ryujin#11174 or Jradownz#1122 Last updated 214 weeks ago |
About Impervious |
< Impervious > is a newly formed guild on Mal'Ganis that has its focus on PvE Content. We are currently recruiting for a Mythic Raid Core. We are currently looking for DPS (Affliction Locks, Warrior, Unholy DK, and Fire Mages are preferred) Exceptional DPS will be considered as well. What we expect from you? *Raid Attendance must be over 90%. We know that sometimes life can be unexpected and not everything is planned. In the event of an absence, if possible, inform an officer ahead of time with a day's notice. *Playing your class at its best. We expect you to have knowledge of your class's basic information. This includes knowing how to Sim and always being prepared for raid with Enchants/Gems/Consumables. Many of our raiders are willing to help out with any mistakes you may make and we expect the same if we make them as well. *Know the current Raid Tier content. You will be expected to know what abilities each boss does as well as having a general idea of how to execute most strategies. *Discord and a mic. Communication is vital to being an effective raiding guild and we expect our raiders to meet this requirement. While you are not required to speak in Discord, we do need everyone to be in the Raid Channel to listen to strategies and call outs as needed. *Addons required are DBM/Bigwigs, Weakauras for if we need to have any set up for fights. AstralKeys! Is another useful addon for helping the guild organize pushing Mythic+ dungeons as a team. * Logs. We review logs for recruiting and for after raid performance to see where improvements can be made. You don't need logs to apply but they do help give us an idea of what to expect. If you have any questions or just need more info pst Ryujinhunt or Arkaidys in game Bnet: Ryujin#11174 or Jradownz#1122 Last updated 214 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?