Last scanned 43 weeks ago
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Vaff Officers: Beefi, Fingishak, Garrito, Murdtuffin, Mythrondaw, Senbull, Senkoi, Senkoo, Sennko, Steviaa, Stunesed, Swampyass, Vaf, Vaffa, Vaffi, Watchyerbek, Yougotfriend, Zellbio, Zellbiology |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Vaff Officers: Beefi, Fingishak, Garrito, Murdtuffin, Mythrondaw, Senbull, Senkoi, Senkoo, Sennko, Steviaa, Stunesed, Swampyass, Vaf, Vaffa, Vaffi, Watchyerbek, Yougotfriend, Zellbio, Zellbiology |
Raid Progression
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RealmID 396
GroupID 581116
GuildID 617829