
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 hour ago

About Prideful

2-day/6-hour raid team on Horde Mal’Ganis.

  • Raid Schedule: Tues & Thurs at 7-10 PM Server Time (CST)
  • We embody an overall team first mentality community as raiders are expected to understand what is implied by each item without the need for a rudimentary list of “rules” or “expectations.” Progression can be difficult, and can only be made easier by pulling your own weight, understanding mechanics and assisting your teammates as best you can.
  • Elitist mindsets and being an unreasonable teammate are not welcome. We all want to kill bosses and get loot, let's just do so!

(formerly Noble "")

++- Current Recruitment Needs -++

  • Recruiting any exceptional player for Shadowlands. **Priority on a flexible healers** but all classes will be considered.

-You should apply if:-

  • You're looking for an active guild that solves problems proactively.
  • You want to enjoy the people you raid with.
  • You don't enjoy raging raid leaders and toxic environments.
  • You enjoy putting in hours outside of raid learning fights and watching videos.
  • You are internally motivated to actively improve your play.
  • You are fully present and focused when it comes raid time.
  • You understand that your dps/hps output matters less than mechanical skill & consistency.

++- Guild Application: -++

Last updated 217 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Fistpumpit

About Prideful

2-day/6-hour raid team on Horde Mal’Ganis.

  • Raid Schedule: Tues & Thurs at 7-10 PM Server Time (CST)
  • We embody an overall team first mentality community as raiders are expected to understand what is implied by each item without the need for a rudimentary list of “rules” or “expectations.” Progression can be difficult, and can only be made easier by pulling your own weight, understanding mechanics and assisting your teammates as best you can.
  • Elitist mindsets and being an unreasonable teammate are not welcome. We all want to kill bosses and get loot, let's just do so!

(formerly Noble "")

++- Current Recruitment Needs -++

  • Recruiting any exceptional player for Shadowlands. **Priority on a flexible healers** but all classes will be considered.

-You should apply if:-

  • You're looking for an active guild that solves problems proactively.
  • You want to enjoy the people you raid with.
  • You don't enjoy raging raid leaders and toxic environments.
  • You enjoy putting in hours outside of raid learning fights and watching videos.
  • You are internally motivated to actively improve your play.
  • You are fully present and focused when it comes raid time.
  • You understand that your dps/hps output matters less than mechanical skill & consistency.

++- Guild Application: -++

Last updated 217 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Fistpumpit

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 396
GroupID 446815
GuildID 297376

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 hour ago