
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Reignited

About Us:

<Reignited> Mal’Ganis (Horde) is recruiting players for core spots for mythic progression. We are a passionate group of individuals who value our time and progression. Our members are mature, driven, competitive, and always looking to improve themselves and their fellow raiders. With much experience, we have learned to give and take criticism and communicate with each other in a collaborative, professional, progression-oriented atmosphere. Through effective communication, preparation, and organization, we have been able to continue to improve our progression each tier. We are currently reforming after taking two tiers off.


● Tuesday: 8pm - 11pm CST (Optional Heroic)

● Friday: 8pm - 11pm CST (Main Raid Night 1)

● Saturday: 8pm - 11pm CST (Main Raid Night 2)

We do not add additional days to the raid schedule. Raids end on time unless a pull is underway.

What to Expect from Us:

We provide a stable environment for our raiders to constantly improve as players and teammates. When we recruit we recruit for core positions not the bench. During progression we use our time efficiently, maintain focus, and exercise discipline; however, while on farm and off-nights the atmosphere is more relaxed. Our time is precious and we know yours is as well; efficiency is our ultimate goal. We actively strive to maintain a mature, drama-free environment.

What We Offer:

● A stable roster and constructive raid environment

● Leadership with years of progression-oriented hardcore experience

● Alt raids and Mythic+ Groups

● Optional off-night events with friends & family

● High activity on non raid nights

Our Expectations:

● High attendance (Over 90%+)

● Able to communicate over Discord with working microphone.

● Extensive knowledge of your class, spec, and role

● Mature attitude and willingness to take/give constructive criticism

● Willingness to work collaboratively and promote a culture of continuous self-improvement


● Guild Council: Rize (Rize#11124)

● Guild Council: Sigs (Ivan#1178)

How to Apply:

If you feel you can bring something to our raid team then please fill out an application. It is located at:

Last updated 156 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Sigslock

About Reignited

About Us:

<Reignited> Mal’Ganis (Horde) is recruiting players for core spots for mythic progression. We are a passionate group of individuals who value our time and progression. Our members are mature, driven, competitive, and always looking to improve themselves and their fellow raiders. With much experience, we have learned to give and take criticism and communicate with each other in a collaborative, professional, progression-oriented atmosphere. Through effective communication, preparation, and organization, we have been able to continue to improve our progression each tier. We are currently reforming after taking two tiers off.


● Tuesday: 8pm - 11pm CST (Optional Heroic)

● Friday: 8pm - 11pm CST (Main Raid Night 1)

● Saturday: 8pm - 11pm CST (Main Raid Night 2)

We do not add additional days to the raid schedule. Raids end on time unless a pull is underway.

What to Expect from Us:

We provide a stable environment for our raiders to constantly improve as players and teammates. When we recruit we recruit for core positions not the bench. During progression we use our time efficiently, maintain focus, and exercise discipline; however, while on farm and off-nights the atmosphere is more relaxed. Our time is precious and we know yours is as well; efficiency is our ultimate goal. We actively strive to maintain a mature, drama-free environment.

What We Offer:

● A stable roster and constructive raid environment

● Leadership with years of progression-oriented hardcore experience

● Alt raids and Mythic+ Groups

● Optional off-night events with friends & family

● High activity on non raid nights

Our Expectations:

● High attendance (Over 90%+)

● Able to communicate over Discord with working microphone.

● Extensive knowledge of your class, spec, and role

● Mature attitude and willingness to take/give constructive criticism

● Willingness to work collaboratively and promote a culture of continuous self-improvement


● Guild Council: Rize (Rize#11124)

● Guild Council: Sigs (Ivan#1178)

How to Apply:

If you feel you can bring something to our raid team then please fill out an application. It is located at:

Last updated 156 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Sigslock

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 396
GroupID 2515
GuildID 543077

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago