Last scanned 1 day ago
About Sharon |
SHARON is a friendly, diverse and inclusive guild for all folks and we are actively recruiting for our raid team; our progression schedule is Tuesday and Thursday from 8 - 10 PM server (Central Time). Any spec thoughtfully played is welcome, though we may make requests based on composition. When we’re not raiding, we spend our time pushing keys, leveling a truly astounding number of alts, getting our collective and respective mog game on point, fishing, streaming, and enjoying the Mal'Ganis auction house. We have nostalgia weekends running older content and Timewalking raids. For those uninterested in raiding and/or mythic keys, we’re delighted to welcome social and casual players looking for a friendly place to call home. We don't do bullying, toxicity, or discrimination. Sick of toxic gamer nonsense? Come be a Sharon. <3 If Sharon has intrigued you, and indeed, Sharon is very intriguing, please reach out to our Community Manager on Discord @Fadedposterchild#5031 Last updated 116 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Dethosmash Officers: Tulavelir |
About Sharon |
SHARON is a friendly, diverse and inclusive guild for all folks and we are actively recruiting for our raid team; our progression schedule is Tuesday and Thursday from 8 - 10 PM server (Central Time). Any spec thoughtfully played is welcome, though we may make requests based on composition. When we’re not raiding, we spend our time pushing keys, leveling a truly astounding number of alts, getting our collective and respective mog game on point, fishing, streaming, and enjoying the Mal'Ganis auction house. We have nostalgia weekends running older content and Timewalking raids. For those uninterested in raiding and/or mythic keys, we’re delighted to welcome social and casual players looking for a friendly place to call home. We don't do bullying, toxicity, or discrimination. Sick of toxic gamer nonsense? Come be a Sharon. <3 If Sharon has intrigued you, and indeed, Sharon is very intriguing, please reach out to our Community Manager on Discord @Fadedposterchild#5031 Last updated 116 weeks ago |