Last scanned 2 days ago
About Integrity |
Integrity is a Guild based on treating everyone with respect. We currently are focused on PvE content, but have members who participate in PvP and other World Content regularly. We have achieved Ahead of the Curve for all raids since Sanctum of Domination and dabbled into Mythic (3/8) during Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible and Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope. We welcome everyone and anyone (18+) and are here to help our members improve themselves as players and provide an awesome social space for people to enjoy the game we all love. We raid Tuesdays and Thursday 7:45 PM to 10:00 PM EST. Integrity is run by a Council of Officers to help best fit the needs of our members. The Council is lead by Contrlurself. The rest of the Council is made up of DarkfoxGrime, Gentonord, Hench, Emolock, and Díscø. Reach out if you're interested in joining our team! Last updated 8 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Contrlurself Officers: Aloracratnam, Amyrlin, Bibijones, Bubbleôseven, Cantcontrlme, Darkfoxdemon, Darkfoxgrime, Darkfoxthyr, Demolock, Douglasquaid, Dwarfchomsky, Díscø, Emodruid, Emohuntress, Emolock, Emomonk, Emopriest, Emovoker, Emowrath, Extraemolock, Feinrian, Fluffyemo, Gallang, Gasilly, Genmon, Gentauren, Gentdruid, Gentmonk, Gentondark, Gentondin, Gentonlock, Gentonlord, Gentonord, Gentonord, Genvoker, Getoffmylawn, Ghaman, Gnaa, Hench, Henchers, Henchknight, Henchling, Henchmen, Henchpress, Henchragon, Holyhench, Housedwarf, Howlingzen, Incontrl, Jamesneeson, Joveniash, Kaakporn, Kizmet, Mamáceleste, Misfired, Muradndn, Nickysan, Odalaz, Providence, Serendipitie, Serendipitie, Stay, Stonehench, Whench, Womberry |
About Integrity |
Integrity is a Guild based on treating everyone with respect. We currently are focused on PvE content, but have members who participate in PvP and other World Content regularly. We have achieved Ahead of the Curve for all raids since Sanctum of Domination and dabbled into Mythic (3/8) during Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible and Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope. We welcome everyone and anyone (18+) and are here to help our members improve themselves as players and provide an awesome social space for people to enjoy the game we all love. We raid Tuesdays and Thursday 7:45 PM to 10:00 PM EST. Integrity is run by a Council of Officers to help best fit the needs of our members. The Council is lead by Contrlurself. The rest of the Council is made up of DarkfoxGrime, Gentonord, Hench, Emolock, and Díscø. Reach out if you're interested in joining our team! Last updated 8 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Contrlurself Officers: Aloracratnam, Amyrlin, Bibijones, Bubbleôseven, Cantcontrlme, Darkfoxdemon, Darkfoxgrime, Darkfoxthyr, Demolock, Douglasquaid, Dwarfchomsky, Díscø, Emodruid, Emohuntress, Emolock, Emomonk, Emopriest, Emovoker, Emowrath, Extraemolock, Feinrian, Fluffyemo, Gallang, Gasilly, Genmon, Gentauren, Gentdruid, Gentmonk, Gentondark, Gentondin, Gentonlock, Gentonlord, Gentonord, Gentonord, Genvoker, Getoffmylawn, Ghaman, Gnaa, Hench, Henchers, Henchknight, Henchling, Henchmen, Henchpress, Henchragon, Holyhench, Housedwarf, Howlingzen, Incontrl, Jamesneeson, Joveniash, Kaakporn, Kizmet, Mamáceleste, Misfired, Muradndn, Nickysan, Odalaz, Providence, Serendipitie, Serendipitie, Stay, Stonehench, Whench, Womberry |