5/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 20 hours ago

About Elixir

Hello! And welcome to Elixir!

Elixir does not tolerate bigotry of any kind—any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, religious prejudice, or hate and discriminatory speech will result in immediate removal from the guild. Frankly, if you think making “edgy” jokes regarding any of the above is funny, this isn’t the guild for you.

Since starting our raid team at the beginning of Shadowlands, we’ve grown a solid core of raiders who have consistently stuck around to achieve AOTC each tier. Our team consists of everyone from AOTC/Cutting edge-experienced raiders, to those who are raiding for the very first time. All we ask is that everyone maintain a relaxed and fun-focused raid environment, do their best, and respect the time everyone is putting to gear/learn each tier.

Raid Team Information

Days: Wednesday & Thursday from 9PM to 12AM EST / 6PM to 9PM PST

Each tier we operate on a 10week raid schedule to combat burnout around our raiders. With smaller patches adding more content, if a .5 or .7 patch fall outside this window, we'll start raiding again for a week or two during those releases so folks can try the new content if there is desire to.

M+ Information

Many of our members are also seeking to push M+ each season. M+ runners of all skill levels are welcome to join. Many of us have the goal of achieving KSM/KSH each season, and we’re looking to grow an active and consistent M+ community.

We have a need for players who can DPS in raid, and are comfortable rolling as a tank/healer offspec in M+. We have an extreme need for more M+ tanks for 8-12+ keys.

Join Elixir Today!

Interested in joining us? Please add me on disc at mystien (Myst#1596) to chat. Thanks for reading!

Last updated 28 weeks ago
About Elixir

Hello! And welcome to Elixir!

Elixir does not tolerate bigotry of any kind—any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, religious prejudice, or hate and discriminatory speech will result in immediate removal from the guild. Frankly, if you think making “edgy” jokes regarding any of the above is funny, this isn’t the guild for you.

Since starting our raid team at the beginning of Shadowlands, we’ve grown a solid core of raiders who have consistently stuck around to achieve AOTC each tier. Our team consists of everyone from AOTC/Cutting edge-experienced raiders, to those who are raiding for the very first time. All we ask is that everyone maintain a relaxed and fun-focused raid environment, do their best, and respect the time everyone is putting to gear/learn each tier.

Raid Team Information

Days: Wednesday & Thursday from 9PM to 12AM EST / 6PM to 9PM PST

Each tier we operate on a 10week raid schedule to combat burnout around our raiders. With smaller patches adding more content, if a .5 or .7 patch fall outside this window, we'll start raiding again for a week or two during those releases so folks can try the new content if there is desire to.

M+ Information

Many of our members are also seeking to push M+ each season. M+ runners of all skill levels are welcome to join. Many of us have the goal of achieving KSM/KSH each season, and we’re looking to grow an active and consistent M+ community.

We have a need for players who can DPS in raid, and are comfortable rolling as a tank/healer offspec in M+. We have an extreme need for more M+ tanks for 8-12+ keys.

Join Elixir Today!

Interested in joining us? Please add me on disc at mystien (Myst#1596) to chat. Thanks for reading!

Last updated 28 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic5/8 H4,6251,97222
Normal8/8 N4,6842,10623
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H8,1363,49250
Normal8/8 N3,8921,65521
RealmID 404
GroupID 1371193
GuildID 1403833

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 20 hours ago