Last scanned 1 week ago
About Forsooth |
Forsooth is raiding in Amirdrassil! Raid times are FRI 7-9 Central and MON 7-9 Central. We begin in normal and then move into heroic after several clears. Once we have heroic prog/reclears going, we add a normal alt run on SUN 7-9 Central. We're primarily a casual PVE guild on Moon Guard (now cross-faction!). We have a small group of raiders who pursue AOTC each tier, so we organize this weekly raid schedule via the Forsooth Pug Knights in-game community. Raid nights include a combination of guildies, friends from our discord server and then players from lfg (if needed) to fill our groups. We work to help any guildies who want, get progress on the bosses they need for AOTC or achievements such as the Slime Cat Mount. The guild on Moon Guard is a diverse group of social players with a wide variety of in-game goals, so raiding isn't a focus for everyone (social players welcome!!) We also have members who enjoy running M+ keys regularly, and expect to run a LOT of keys of all levels during Dragonflight. Our guild personality is polite, friendly, inclusive and cooperative. Our raids are the same. For additional information, please feel free to contact Goldslipper at Goldslipper#1889 on Bnet, Goldslipper#9180 on discord or just a /w in game! Last updated 66 weeks ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Siso Officers: Finrod, Goldslipper, Puffdamagic |
About Forsooth |
Forsooth is raiding in Amirdrassil! Raid times are FRI 7-9 Central and MON 7-9 Central. We begin in normal and then move into heroic after several clears. Once we have heroic prog/reclears going, we add a normal alt run on SUN 7-9 Central. We're primarily a casual PVE guild on Moon Guard (now cross-faction!). We have a small group of raiders who pursue AOTC each tier, so we organize this weekly raid schedule via the Forsooth Pug Knights in-game community. Raid nights include a combination of guildies, friends from our discord server and then players from lfg (if needed) to fill our groups. We work to help any guildies who want, get progress on the bosses they need for AOTC or achievements such as the Slime Cat Mount. The guild on Moon Guard is a diverse group of social players with a wide variety of in-game goals, so raiding isn't a focus for everyone (social players welcome!!) We also have members who enjoy running M+ keys regularly, and expect to run a LOT of keys of all levels during Dragonflight. Our guild personality is polite, friendly, inclusive and cooperative. Our raids are the same. For additional information, please feel free to contact Goldslipper at Goldslipper#1889 on Bnet, Goldslipper#9180 on discord or just a /w in game! Last updated 66 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?