
5/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Benevolence

Benevolence is a motivated community with a relaxed atmosphere for all gamers who wish to challenge themselves in pushing higher content. We are a Cross-Faction, AOTC guild that is consistently pushing M+ content. We have an extremely active discord and overall gaming community. We do multiple activities in World of Warcraft, especially M+, Raiding, Rated battle grounds, achievements, etc. We are a bilingual community, (Spanish & English) - Primary language is English, but posts in discord/raid explanations are in both languages. We are small but mighty.


We are currently recruiting all classes to expand our ranks in future raid tiers.

Nerub-ar Palace: (Future raid times to be determined) Raid Times: Tuesday | Wednesday 7-9 PST

If you have any questions or would like to apply, please reach out through in-game guild applications or to the GM: Evyance on Proudmoore (US)

Battlenet: Evyance#1248

Benevolence es una comunidad motivada con una atmósfera relajada para todos los jugadores que desean desafiarse a sí mismos para impulsar contenido superior. Somos un gremio AOTC de Cross-Faction que impulsa constantemente el contenido M+. Tenemos un Discord extremadamente activa y una comunidad de jugadores en general. Realizamos múltiples actividades en World of Warcraft, especialmente M+, Raids, campos de batalla puntuados (RBG), logros, etc. Somos una comunidad bilingüe (español e inglés). El idioma principal es el inglés, pero las publicaciones en discord/raid están en ambos idiomas. . Somos pequeños pero poderosos.


Actualmente estamos reclutando todas las clases para ampliar nuestras filas en futuros niveles de raid.

Nerub-ar Palace: (Los tiempos futuros de las raids están por determinar) Horarios de la raid: Martes | Miércoles 7-9 PST

Si tienes alguna pregunta o quieres presentar una solicitud, comunícate a través de las solicitudes del guild dentro del juego o con el GM: Evyance on Proudmoore (EE. UU.)

Battlenet: Evyance#1248

Last updated 8 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Evyance

Officers: Mypal

About Benevolence

Benevolence is a motivated community with a relaxed atmosphere for all gamers who wish to challenge themselves in pushing higher content. We are a Cross-Faction, AOTC guild that is consistently pushing M+ content. We have an extremely active discord and overall gaming community. We do multiple activities in World of Warcraft, especially M+, Raiding, Rated battle grounds, achievements, etc. We are a bilingual community, (Spanish & English) - Primary language is English, but posts in discord/raid explanations are in both languages. We are small but mighty.


We are currently recruiting all classes to expand our ranks in future raid tiers.

Nerub-ar Palace: (Future raid times to be determined) Raid Times: Tuesday | Wednesday 7-9 PST

If you have any questions or would like to apply, please reach out through in-game guild applications or to the GM: Evyance on Proudmoore (US)

Battlenet: Evyance#1248

Benevolence es una comunidad motivada con una atmósfera relajada para todos los jugadores que desean desafiarse a sí mismos para impulsar contenido superior. Somos un gremio AOTC de Cross-Faction que impulsa constantemente el contenido M+. Tenemos un Discord extremadamente activa y una comunidad de jugadores en general. Realizamos múltiples actividades en World of Warcraft, especialmente M+, Raids, campos de batalla puntuados (RBG), logros, etc. Somos una comunidad bilingüe (español e inglés). El idioma principal es el inglés, pero las publicaciones en discord/raid están en ambos idiomas. . Somos pequeños pero poderosos.


Actualmente estamos reclutando todas las clases para ampliar nuestras filas en futuros niveles de raid.

Nerub-ar Palace: (Los tiempos futuros de las raids están por determinar) Horarios de la raid: Martes | Miércoles 7-9 PST

Si tienes alguna pregunta o quieres presentar una solicitud, comunícate a través de las solicitudes del guild dentro del juego o con el GM: Evyance on Proudmoore (EE. UU.)

Battlenet: Evyance#1248

Last updated 8 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Evyance

Officers: Mypal

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic5/8 H5,6592,36081
Normal8/8 N9,8574,639162
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H7,7253,253106
Normal8/8 N9,9224,459145
RealmID 419
GroupID 1133867
GuildID 1167315

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago