
3/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 8th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Delinquents


Welcome to the Delinquents Raider.IO Page.




Who We Are

Originally founded on the server Ysera, we found our home to be Proudmoore to find more welcoming members and progression becoming noticeable to all. Delinquents is a social raiding guild, focusing primarily on progressing newly created content whilst giving an enjoyable "family" atmosphere. Every raid tier, we dive directly into all forms of PvE content. Such as: Heroic Progression each raid tier with Mythic in the midst and Mythic+ Dungeons as the seasons go by.




Delinquents as a whole has always tried to fit the general consensus of our guild members times, events, and overall when everyone is ready to begin our encounters! As of 5/8/2023, our schedule is the following: Saturday 8pm-12pm EST and Sunday 7pm-11pm EST. Any sort of "alt" content is always hosted primarily on Fridays anytime, always announced days beforehand if it is something our members are interested in.



What We Ask

Our members are not held accountable to the highest extent, only asked to give their all in attempting their classes. To always ask questions, always wanting to learn. Never in Delinquents do we treat each-other higher than one another- whether it'd be during our progression, or common social conversations. When announcements are made, raid-sign-ups are listed, we expect our members to acknowledge the information and depending on what is asked, to read, watch, or act with our progression. Under no circumstance is anyone left out, everyone is given their fair share of time to get help or understand whatever mechanic needed.



Highest Priority Roles

As of 5/8/2023, we are needing a strong off-tank willing to make our times. A strong main-healer is another alternative we can make happen. We can discuss classes privately where information can be given. Don't see your role on here and still interested? Not a worry, reach out to our officers below and we can see what will work.



Contact Information

Interested in becoming a part of the family? Thank you for giving your consideration! Please read below for our Guild Officers information and find out what makes you a Delinquent!

Lothbrok (GM) Btag: enyaluis#1693. Discord: Enyaluis#7534

Cocos (RO) Btag: Coco#16722. Discord: Cocos#0420

Unholy (RO) Btag: holyinvert#1498. Discord: holyinvert#0134

Last updated 97 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Lothearthen

Officers: Averagosa, Avesthe, Lothbro, Lothcow, Lòthbrok, Nevanas

About Delinquents


Welcome to the Delinquents Raider.IO Page.




Who We Are

Originally founded on the server Ysera, we found our home to be Proudmoore to find more welcoming members and progression becoming noticeable to all. Delinquents is a social raiding guild, focusing primarily on progressing newly created content whilst giving an enjoyable "family" atmosphere. Every raid tier, we dive directly into all forms of PvE content. Such as: Heroic Progression each raid tier with Mythic in the midst and Mythic+ Dungeons as the seasons go by.




Delinquents as a whole has always tried to fit the general consensus of our guild members times, events, and overall when everyone is ready to begin our encounters! As of 5/8/2023, our schedule is the following: Saturday 8pm-12pm EST and Sunday 7pm-11pm EST. Any sort of "alt" content is always hosted primarily on Fridays anytime, always announced days beforehand if it is something our members are interested in.



What We Ask

Our members are not held accountable to the highest extent, only asked to give their all in attempting their classes. To always ask questions, always wanting to learn. Never in Delinquents do we treat each-other higher than one another- whether it'd be during our progression, or common social conversations. When announcements are made, raid-sign-ups are listed, we expect our members to acknowledge the information and depending on what is asked, to read, watch, or act with our progression. Under no circumstance is anyone left out, everyone is given their fair share of time to get help or understand whatever mechanic needed.



Highest Priority Roles

As of 5/8/2023, we are needing a strong off-tank willing to make our times. A strong main-healer is another alternative we can make happen. We can discuss classes privately where information can be given. Don't see your role on here and still interested? Not a worry, reach out to our officers below and we can see what will work.



Contact Information

Interested in becoming a part of the family? Thank you for giving your consideration! Please read below for our Guild Officers information and find out what makes you a Delinquent!

Lothbrok (GM) Btag: enyaluis#1693. Discord: Enyaluis#7534

Cocos (RO) Btag: Coco#16722. Discord: Cocos#0420

Unholy (RO) Btag: holyinvert#1498. Discord: holyinvert#0134

Last updated 97 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Lothearthen

Officers: Averagosa, Avesthe, Lothbro, Lothcow, Lòthbrok, Nevanas

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic3/8 H8,9884,155148
Normal8/8 N8,0523,704137
Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H8,9323,854121
Normal8/8 N7,6033,234109
RealmID 419
GroupID 1300379
GuildID 1333404

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago