Last scanned 23 hours ago
About Ouroboros |
++Our Raid Schedule:++ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST Ouroboros has been around for 12 years and completing end game content throughout all of those years. We ask for some previous mythic raid experience, logs, and dedication to doing your best while we slay internet dragons. We are a very tight nit community who have had large IRL BBQ gatherings as well as having typically 11-30 people attending Blizzcon for the past few years. If you are interested in joining, please feel free to apply on our discord: and reach out to one of our members discords listed below ++Recruiters Discord++: Killimanjaro: Discord: Kilimanjaro1024 #9179 Kinetik: Discord: kinetik#6285 Btag: Kinetk#1503 Lerich: Discord: Lerich/maps3y88#4653 ++Officers Discord:++ Narumata: Narumata#8139 Nivels: Nivels#5892 Last updated 204 weeks ago |
About Ouroboros |
++Our Raid Schedule:++ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8pm-11pm PST, 9pm-12am MST, 10pm-1am CST, 11pm-2am EST Ouroboros has been around for 12 years and completing end game content throughout all of those years. We ask for some previous mythic raid experience, logs, and dedication to doing your best while we slay internet dragons. We are a very tight nit community who have had large IRL BBQ gatherings as well as having typically 11-30 people attending Blizzcon for the past few years. If you are interested in joining, please feel free to apply on our discord: and reach out to one of our members discords listed below ++Recruiters Discord++: Killimanjaro: Discord: Kilimanjaro1024 #9179 Kinetik: Discord: kinetik#6285 Btag: Kinetk#1503 Lerich: Discord: Lerich/maps3y88#4653 ++Officers Discord:++ Narumata: Narumata#8139 Nivels: Nivels#5892 Last updated 204 weeks ago |
Raid Progression
We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.
Were you expecting to see some?