Last scanned 2 hours ago
About Canada |
Canada is a 2-Teamed raiding community. Team Moose is made up of raiders looking to push far into mythic raiding with the eventual goal of Cutting Edge. Tuesday/Thursday 9-12 Central. Team Beaver is a solid and accepting group of raiders looking to get their AOTC with ease and truly love welcoming new members. Wednesday 8-11 Central. Outside of raiding we enjoy each others time doing keys, watching movies, and playing other games. LGBTQ friendly and 18+ environment. Last updated 1 week ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Rhaenÿra Officers: Aiyashima, Alalani, Alalina, Analeigha, Artemeow, Aëgøn, Baeluna, Bowburnham, Breadleaf, Bäela, Chiraa, Chiára, Conspicious, Cuckomancer, Cucumberrain, Daenÿs, Doübt, Dryarae, Emaara, Erotischia, Feriona, Fireshall, Grimhelda, Hanarine, Havocobama, Kalleeah, Kätma, Maelaena, Manabao, Mesic, Mesiluna, Mesique, Microbrewery, Nymvi, Peaflower, Plusratio, Rakaska, Raspbèrry, Redcurrant, Rhaenÿs, Seraphiná, Sesaki, Sethrys, Shalladin, Shallaen, Shallrenity, Shallvation, Shallyxia, Smôlder, Starshall, Strippy, Suhyung, Techocuck, Thanefuil, Visenÿa, Vïsenya, Yemate, Yukee, Zyfallion, Édgy, Ðaenerÿs |
About Canada |
Canada is a 2-Teamed raiding community. Team Moose is made up of raiders looking to push far into mythic raiding with the eventual goal of Cutting Edge. Tuesday/Thursday 9-12 Central. Team Beaver is a solid and accepting group of raiders looking to get their AOTC with ease and truly love welcoming new members. Wednesday 8-11 Central. Outside of raiding we enjoy each others time doing keys, watching movies, and playing other games. LGBTQ friendly and 18+ environment. Last updated 1 week ago |
Quick Look |
Guild Master: Rhaenÿra Officers: Aiyashima, Alalani, Alalina, Analeigha, Artemeow, Aëgøn, Baeluna, Bowburnham, Breadleaf, Bäela, Chiraa, Chiára, Conspicious, Cuckomancer, Cucumberrain, Daenÿs, Doübt, Dryarae, Emaara, Erotischia, Feriona, Fireshall, Grimhelda, Hanarine, Havocobama, Kalleeah, Kätma, Maelaena, Manabao, Mesic, Mesiluna, Mesique, Microbrewery, Nymvi, Peaflower, Plusratio, Rakaska, Raspbèrry, Redcurrant, Rhaenÿs, Seraphiná, Sesaki, Sethrys, Shalladin, Shallaen, Shallrenity, Shallvation, Shallyxia, Smôlder, Starshall, Strippy, Suhyung, Techocuck, Thanefuil, Visenÿa, Vïsenya, Yemate, Yukee, Zyfallion, Édgy, Ðaenerÿs |