Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Forge
<Forge> - Sargeras (US)

Raid Times: T/W/Th - 7:30pm CST to 11:00pm CST


Immediate spots for:

  • 2 Healers

1 Priest

1 Other, preferably not a mistweaver or rsham.

  • 3 dps, preferably of the following classes



Enhancement Shaman




Forge was created towards the end of BFA and has achieved CE every tier. While our guild leaders have changed since our earlier days and members have come and gone, we have contined to grow, progress faster and climb up the ladder each tier.

  • Ny'alotha: 1889 World
  • Castle Nathria: 1855 World
  • Sanctum of Domination: 1165 World
  • Sephulcer of the First Ones: 402 World (Alliance HoF)
  • Vault of the Incarnates: 284 World (Alliance HoF)
  • Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible: 352 World


  • At the end of the day WoW is a game and it's about fun. And what's fun to us is to continue to improve each tier. And while that is the main goal, ensuring we provide an environment where everyone can feel safe to be themselves and comfortable to excel.




  • All raiders are expected to come to each raid night prepared for what is ahead. All roles and responsibilities are planned and presented before the boss fight even starts. We actively strategize and post in discord channels for everyone to be able to have the materials and information they need to be prepared.


  • High expectation to be able to learn new mechanics quickly and execute.


  • We have a very low tolerance for bad attitude. Keeping a positive environment is a major deal. While me meme around and crack jokes, toxic behavior or bad raid ettiquette is not tolerated.


  • Own up to your mistakes and faults so that we can work on addressing the issue instead of wasting time finding it.

If you are interested in joining us please drop an application at
If you have any questions, feel free to add Savior#1364 to or @savioroffall on Discord.

Last updated 84 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Savoroffallz

Officers: Kubom, Lastanna, Silverdh, Wholeleecow, Wrumez

About Forge
<Forge> - Sargeras (US)

Raid Times: T/W/Th - 7:30pm CST to 11:00pm CST


Immediate spots for:

  • 2 Healers

1 Priest

1 Other, preferably not a mistweaver or rsham.

  • 3 dps, preferably of the following classes



Enhancement Shaman




Forge was created towards the end of BFA and has achieved CE every tier. While our guild leaders have changed since our earlier days and members have come and gone, we have contined to grow, progress faster and climb up the ladder each tier.

  • Ny'alotha: 1889 World
  • Castle Nathria: 1855 World
  • Sanctum of Domination: 1165 World
  • Sephulcer of the First Ones: 402 World (Alliance HoF)
  • Vault of the Incarnates: 284 World (Alliance HoF)
  • Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible: 352 World


  • At the end of the day WoW is a game and it's about fun. And what's fun to us is to continue to improve each tier. And while that is the main goal, ensuring we provide an environment where everyone can feel safe to be themselves and comfortable to excel.




  • All raiders are expected to come to each raid night prepared for what is ahead. All roles and responsibilities are planned and presented before the boss fight even starts. We actively strategize and post in discord channels for everyone to be able to have the materials and information they need to be prepared.


  • High expectation to be able to learn new mechanics quickly and execute.


  • We have a very low tolerance for bad attitude. Keeping a positive environment is a major deal. While me meme around and crack jokes, toxic behavior or bad raid ettiquette is not tolerated.


  • Own up to your mistakes and faults so that we can work on addressing the issue instead of wasting time finding it.

If you are interested in joining us please drop an application at
If you have any questions, feel free to add Savior#1364 to or @savioroffall on Discord.

Last updated 84 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Savoroffallz

Officers: Kubom, Lastanna, Silverdh, Wholeleecow, Wrumez

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 428
GroupID 684007
GuildID 720124

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago