
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Midwinter

Progression Raid Times: T/Th/Sun 9:00 pm - ~1:00 AM EST. These are the days we will definitely raid during progression but we may also go late, start early, or throw in extra raid days (within reason) if that's what the guild wants to do. We'll also raid when the servers go up on the first Mythic Tuesday. We aren't worried about our rank but do expect everyone to come prepared and ready to kill bosses. Our schedule varies from tier to tier but there's always plenty of notice and it's only when the guild wants to play more and is having fun.

Recruitment: We're not going to recruit for the bench and everyone has to earn their raidspot. Midwinter is focused on progression and that means we'll slot the 20 best players/classes for each boss. We've had awesome players who have had to sit out on bosses and that's tremendously important for any progression guild. We have no alt or ap requirements but if you can play multiple classes/roles that is obviously valuable to us. We look for players who will contribute meaningfully to the raid (which entails showing up prepared, suggesting strat ideas, and using your mic when appropriate).

About Midwinter:

App to Midwinter: or add Turkey#1500 / Dpsonroids#1842 on for more info.


Last updated 335 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Bromlock

About Midwinter

Progression Raid Times: T/Th/Sun 9:00 pm - ~1:00 AM EST. These are the days we will definitely raid during progression but we may also go late, start early, or throw in extra raid days (within reason) if that's what the guild wants to do. We'll also raid when the servers go up on the first Mythic Tuesday. We aren't worried about our rank but do expect everyone to come prepared and ready to kill bosses. Our schedule varies from tier to tier but there's always plenty of notice and it's only when the guild wants to play more and is having fun.

Recruitment: We're not going to recruit for the bench and everyone has to earn their raidspot. Midwinter is focused on progression and that means we'll slot the 20 best players/classes for each boss. We've had awesome players who have had to sit out on bosses and that's tremendously important for any progression guild. We have no alt or ap requirements but if you can play multiple classes/roles that is obviously valuable to us. We look for players who will contribute meaningfully to the raid (which entails showing up prepared, suggesting strat ideas, and using your mic when appropriate).

About Midwinter:

App to Midwinter: or add Turkey#1500 / Dpsonroids#1842 on for more info.


Last updated 335 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Bromlock

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 428
GroupID 14649
GuildID 2385

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago