
7/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
5/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 hours ago

About Sanctimonious

General: <Sanctimonious> was founded in ICC under the name <Alternate Arrangements> on US-Arthas. We started as a small group of friends and gradually grew over the next few tiers. By the end of cata we were a successful 10 man clearing Cutting Edge level content. We've raided consistently, building into a 20 man roster and collecting several more cutting edge kills through the years aiming to pick up even more CEs


Raid times: Tuesday/Thursday progression runs from 6:45-10:30 CST Monday optional alt/gearing run from 6:45-9:30 CST


Requirements/Expectations: Applicants are required to have item level comparable to the rest of the team.


We require all our players to have a general understanding of the fights. We require you to have done at least some research on your class in that fight. A strong understanding of your class and game mechanics. Being able to self-evaluate or work with teammates to improve performance. An understanding that if you are not the playing well you will be sat for your teammates who are. We require our raiders to do their weekly M+. Show up with enough pots and food to last the night. The ability to maintain a positive and professional attitude... even when we are having an off night.


Goals: Every tier our goal is to clear the tier by the end of it. We've had good tiers and bad tiers - that's somewhat to be expected for a guild that has been consistently raiding for over 10 years. We always want to do better than we did the previous tier. We aren't competing with the 5 night a week guilds - rather we want to compete with our past selves.


Leadership: GM: Sanctustego Logistics: Meggle, Daethis Raid officer: Cheatz Recruitment: Sophieann


Contact: Sophieann#2492 Sanctustego#2994 ((Discord ID)) Guild Discord: Apply form here:


Some Videos:

Last updated 193 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Sanctustego

Officers: Meggle

About Sanctimonious

General: <Sanctimonious> was founded in ICC under the name <Alternate Arrangements> on US-Arthas. We started as a small group of friends and gradually grew over the next few tiers. By the end of cata we were a successful 10 man clearing Cutting Edge level content. We've raided consistently, building into a 20 man roster and collecting several more cutting edge kills through the years aiming to pick up even more CEs


Raid times: Tuesday/Thursday progression runs from 6:45-10:30 CST Monday optional alt/gearing run from 6:45-9:30 CST


Requirements/Expectations: Applicants are required to have item level comparable to the rest of the team.


We require all our players to have a general understanding of the fights. We require you to have done at least some research on your class in that fight. A strong understanding of your class and game mechanics. Being able to self-evaluate or work with teammates to improve performance. An understanding that if you are not the playing well you will be sat for your teammates who are. We require our raiders to do their weekly M+. Show up with enough pots and food to last the night. The ability to maintain a positive and professional attitude... even when we are having an off night.


Goals: Every tier our goal is to clear the tier by the end of it. We've had good tiers and bad tiers - that's somewhat to be expected for a guild that has been consistently raiding for over 10 years. We always want to do better than we did the previous tier. We aren't competing with the 5 night a week guilds - rather we want to compete with our past selves.


Leadership: GM: Sanctustego Logistics: Meggle, Daethis Raid officer: Cheatz Recruitment: Sophieann


Contact: Sophieann#2492 Sanctustego#2994 ((Discord ID)) Guild Discord: Apply form here:


Some Videos:

Last updated 193 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Sanctustego

Officers: Meggle

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic7/8 H2,6451,00546
Normal8/8 N28428415
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic5/8 M2,7561,05846
Heroic8/8 H2,41287436
Normal8/8 N3,6261,38955
RealmID 428
GroupID 3386
GuildID 574679

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 3 hours ago