4/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Mythic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 12th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Sever
About Us

Sever is a Mythic progression guild on Sargeras. The guild was founded in July 2023 with the humble desire to be a guild that could completely clear all Mythic content while it was still relevant, and also maintain an environment that was both competitive and friendly. It is comprised of some of the top players across several MMOs who have played together for years.

Previous Tiers

Nerub-ar Palace: US 112

Amirdrassil: US 110

Aberrus: US 365


Our definition of hardcore raiding involves making the most out of our collective time together. It is up to each member to come completely prepared for the fights that we’ll be working on. This involves high communication and activity on our discord. Members are expected to be highly self-motivated, and willing to find out the latest theorycraft data on their classes. You should always be pushing yourself to improve with each opportunity to raid, and to never be satisfied with your own performance.

What we offer you

• A team that can consistently clear all Mythic content.

• Mythic+ push groups.

• A fun, competitive, and positive raid environment.

• An active community inside and outside of WoW.

• Alt raiding

• Flasks, potions, repairs, and food buffs provided

• Opportunities for high ranked PvP

• Gold making opportunities through Heroic/Mythic sales

Raid Schedule

Sunday - Thursday 8:30 PM - 12 AM EST (First 2 mythic weeks of new tier)

Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 PM - 12 AM EST (After)

We will sometimes add an extra day to our raid schedule if we're close to a kill and the majority of the raid team wants to go for it, nothing is held against you if you can only make the advertised raid hours.

Alt Program

Required to have one alt same as your current role for the first 2-3 weeks of progression.

Officer Contacts

Mykiel – GM/Recruitment/Raid Lead

• Mykiel#11928 (Battle-Net)

• Mykiel (Discord)

Jeal - Officer/Main Tank

• Jeal#11253 (Battle-Net)

• jeal. (Discord)

Diirys - Officer/Secondary Raid Leader

• Diirys#1584 (Battle-Net)

• Diirys#0241 (Discord)

Gpally - Healing Officer

• Grave#11689 (Battle-Net)

• grave7560 (Discord)


Last updated 3 weeks ago
About Sever
About Us

Sever is a Mythic progression guild on Sargeras. The guild was founded in July 2023 with the humble desire to be a guild that could completely clear all Mythic content while it was still relevant, and also maintain an environment that was both competitive and friendly. It is comprised of some of the top players across several MMOs who have played together for years.

Previous Tiers

Nerub-ar Palace: US 112

Amirdrassil: US 110

Aberrus: US 365


Our definition of hardcore raiding involves making the most out of our collective time together. It is up to each member to come completely prepared for the fights that we’ll be working on. This involves high communication and activity on our discord. Members are expected to be highly self-motivated, and willing to find out the latest theorycraft data on their classes. You should always be pushing yourself to improve with each opportunity to raid, and to never be satisfied with your own performance.

What we offer you

• A team that can consistently clear all Mythic content.

• Mythic+ push groups.

• A fun, competitive, and positive raid environment.

• An active community inside and outside of WoW.

• Alt raiding

• Flasks, potions, repairs, and food buffs provided

• Opportunities for high ranked PvP

• Gold making opportunities through Heroic/Mythic sales

Raid Schedule

Sunday - Thursday 8:30 PM - 12 AM EST (First 2 mythic weeks of new tier)

Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 PM - 12 AM EST (After)

We will sometimes add an extra day to our raid schedule if we're close to a kill and the majority of the raid team wants to go for it, nothing is held against you if you can only make the advertised raid hours.

Alt Program

Required to have one alt same as your current role for the first 2-3 weeks of progression.

Officer Contacts

Mykiel – GM/Recruitment/Raid Lead

• Mykiel#11928 (Battle-Net)

• Mykiel (Discord)

Jeal - Officer/Main Tank

• Jeal#11253 (Battle-Net)

• jeal. (Discord)

Diirys - Officer/Secondary Raid Leader

• Diirys#1584 (Battle-Net)

• Diirys#0241 (Discord)

Gpally - Healing Officer

• Grave#11689 (Battle-Net)

• grave7560 (Discord)


Last updated 3 weeks ago

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic4/8 H143936
Normal8/8 N94946
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic8/8 M3481127
Heroic8/8 H4261517
Normal8/8 N77775
RealmID 428
GroupID 1954767
GuildID 1955236

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago