
4/8 H
Liberation of Undermine
8/8 N
Liberation of Undermine
4/8 M
Nerub-ar Palace

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago

About Unanimous

Our intention as a guild is to provide a successful raiding team for players who cannot commit to more than one day a week but enjoy downing bosses on the highest difficulty. Mythic plus keys are run daily at all key levels to fill vaults as well as helping out alts or guild members who are in the process of gearing up. Some of us are switching roles/specs for the new tier and we are looking to add more dps and healers to strengthen our raid team as well as our guild as a whole.


Saturday 7PM - 10PM EST - Currently 4/8 Mythic


DPS we are looking for you!

As mentioned above we are looking to grow our guild. Cross realm limitations have been lifted meaning you can join our guild no matter the faction or server!

Small but important print :)

Most importantly, we pride ourselves on being a friendly and inclusive community. We don’t allow discrimination of any kind and are focused on finding like-minded individuals that embrace our values. We do our best to keep toxicity out of our raid environment and guild. If you feel that we would be a good fit for you, please reach out!

Get in touch

If you are looking for a home or have any questions please message Noxqzs#2656 on Discord.

Last updated 1 week ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Noxqzs

Officers: Napknmage, Nerfd, Orkrad, Rynaak

About Unanimous

Our intention as a guild is to provide a successful raiding team for players who cannot commit to more than one day a week but enjoy downing bosses on the highest difficulty. Mythic plus keys are run daily at all key levels to fill vaults as well as helping out alts or guild members who are in the process of gearing up. Some of us are switching roles/specs for the new tier and we are looking to add more dps and healers to strengthen our raid team as well as our guild as a whole.


Saturday 7PM - 10PM EST - Currently 4/8 Mythic


DPS we are looking for you!

As mentioned above we are looking to grow our guild. Cross realm limitations have been lifted meaning you can join our guild no matter the faction or server!

Small but important print :)

Most importantly, we pride ourselves on being a friendly and inclusive community. We don’t allow discrimination of any kind and are focused on finding like-minded individuals that embrace our values. We do our best to keep toxicity out of our raid environment and guild. If you feel that we would be a good fit for you, please reach out!

Get in touch

If you are looking for a home or have any questions please message Noxqzs#2656 on Discord.

Last updated 1 week ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Noxqzs

Officers: Napknmage, Nerfd, Orkrad, Rynaak

Raid Progression

Liberation of Undermine
Heroic4/8 H6,1652,664106
Normal8/8 N34634620
Nerub-ar Palace
Mythic4/8 M4,3341,68166
Heroic8/8 H5,5682,31284
Normal8/8 N3,7201,48360
RealmID 428
GroupID 2000412
GuildID 1998436

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 day ago