
Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago

About Unapologetic

We raid Tues/Wed 9pm to 12am server. With an optional night on Saturday .We are currently 10/10 Heroic 2/10 Mythic in CN . Unapologetic is very community minded. We invest in people and expect the same from our members. We wont be watching your parses (dont even care to hear about them).We care about positivity, attendance (for raid), open mindedness, and a willingness to learn, and where applicable take constructive advice. A guild is not one person but a team of people, as is a raid team. No one player is more important than the next, and we expect our members to share that ideal.

We are a mature (for the most part) very unapologetic group of older folks. If you run with us, please know that the guild is not for the softhearted. As a whole drama is disliked in guild, and will not be tolerated. However we like to joke and have fun with each other, and colourful language is often used. So we would like 18+ players. We are very helpful and enjoy running guildies through mythic+.

Raiding is not the only aspect of the game, and we have folks that like to puddle and do old content, transmog runs etc. Social folks are always welcome. Unapologetic probably has a spot for you.

In game you can find our community by searching "Unapologetic Sargeras" or UNA

Contact myself Akitha (via in game mail) by battle tag (kadyja#1899), or on discord (Akitha #9066) failing contact with me, you are welcome to reach out to Betrrunfoo, Thaesia, Valdem, Ibdapopo, or tatertot.

Guild & Server: Unapologetic-Sargeras

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12pm CST (alt run optional on Saturdays)

Current Progression: 10/10 H 2/10 M

Recruitment Contacts: Akitha#9066 (discord) real id : kadyja#1899 or JCoop#1104

Recruitment Needs: Healers (non shaman preferred), DPS Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, Demon hunter any skilled dps.

**WoW Progress: **++

Requirements: Heroic experience, Good raid awareness, High attendance, Positive attitude, Willing to learn and follow direction.

We currently have need for a healers (non shaman) as well as a couple dps, however we can always have exceptional players with viable offspecs for Mythic Keys, Alt night, Or as a potential raid spot.

Last updated 201 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Réport

Officers: Homélesspete, Kadyja, Milkbelly, Pokinholes, Shåmpôo, Wufwuf

About Unapologetic

We raid Tues/Wed 9pm to 12am server. With an optional night on Saturday .We are currently 10/10 Heroic 2/10 Mythic in CN . Unapologetic is very community minded. We invest in people and expect the same from our members. We wont be watching your parses (dont even care to hear about them).We care about positivity, attendance (for raid), open mindedness, and a willingness to learn, and where applicable take constructive advice. A guild is not one person but a team of people, as is a raid team. No one player is more important than the next, and we expect our members to share that ideal.

We are a mature (for the most part) very unapologetic group of older folks. If you run with us, please know that the guild is not for the softhearted. As a whole drama is disliked in guild, and will not be tolerated. However we like to joke and have fun with each other, and colourful language is often used. So we would like 18+ players. We are very helpful and enjoy running guildies through mythic+.

Raiding is not the only aspect of the game, and we have folks that like to puddle and do old content, transmog runs etc. Social folks are always welcome. Unapologetic probably has a spot for you.

In game you can find our community by searching "Unapologetic Sargeras" or UNA

Contact myself Akitha (via in game mail) by battle tag (kadyja#1899), or on discord (Akitha #9066) failing contact with me, you are welcome to reach out to Betrrunfoo, Thaesia, Valdem, Ibdapopo, or tatertot.

Guild & Server: Unapologetic-Sargeras

Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12pm CST (alt run optional on Saturdays)

Current Progression: 10/10 H 2/10 M

Recruitment Contacts: Akitha#9066 (discord) real id : kadyja#1899 or JCoop#1104

Recruitment Needs: Healers (non shaman preferred), DPS Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, Demon hunter any skilled dps.

**WoW Progress: **++

Requirements: Heroic experience, Good raid awareness, High attendance, Positive attitude, Willing to learn and follow direction.

We currently have need for a healers (non shaman) as well as a couple dps, however we can always have exceptional players with viable offspecs for Mythic Keys, Alt night, Or as a potential raid spot.

Last updated 201 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Réport

Officers: Homélesspete, Kadyja, Milkbelly, Pokinholes, Shåmpôo, Wufwuf

Raid Progression

We couldn't find any raid progression for that expansion.

Were you expecting to see some?

RealmID 428
GroupID 822105
GuildID 856766

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 1 week ago