
8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace
Cleared Heroic before the release of the next raid tier.
(Earned 9th Raid Week)

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago

About Unhaltable

Unhaltable is a EST-based guild that is focusing on pushing keys and raiding. Our goal is to eventually assemble a team to clear Mythic Raids by the end of the season.

  • Current Progress: 8/8H 1/8M
  • M+: Many players between 2.3 - 2.5k, regular keys (9/10+) throughout the week

Raiding Schedule:

  • Friday 8pm - 11pm EST
  • Sunday 8pm - 11pm EST

If you’re interested or have any questions. Please message me here on discord (jc94)!

Last updated 18 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kaelira

Officers: Arcturius, Durmanagg, Malikwar

About Unhaltable

Unhaltable is a EST-based guild that is focusing on pushing keys and raiding. Our goal is to eventually assemble a team to clear Mythic Raids by the end of the season.

  • Current Progress: 8/8H 1/8M
  • M+: Many players between 2.3 - 2.5k, regular keys (9/10+) throughout the week

Raiding Schedule:

  • Friday 8pm - 11pm EST
  • Sunday 8pm - 11pm EST

If you’re interested or have any questions. Please message me here on discord (jc94)!

Last updated 18 weeks ago
Quick Look

Guild Master: Kaelira

Officers: Arcturius, Durmanagg, Malikwar

Raid Progression

Nerub-ar Palace
Heroic8/8 H10,2304,540158
Normal8/8 N16,9948,049257
RealmID 428
GroupID 2074873
GuildID 2065007

Important: to have an accurate record of the first time you killed a raid boss, you must queue your guild for an update before you kill that boss for the second time.

Last scanned 5 days ago